This lemon-furred, electric mouse became the face of this Japanese franchise that is just as popular today as when it came out 20 years ago. He has been known as one of the most beloved sidekicks in pop culture.
Coffee produces this stimulant that is considered the world's most widely consumed psychoactive drug. Yes it is legal and available in nearly all parts of the world. We enjoy this boost of energy every morning.
Considered the most popular flavor for coffee, this warm, aromatic flavor goes with everything from ice cream to spice. It is also popular as an extract, which makes it very expensive.
These series of five-vampire themed romance fantasy films are based on four novels published by Stephanie Meyer. This series has grossed over 3.4 billion worldwide, hosting the popular cast of Kirsten Stewart, Robert Pattinson and Taylor Lautner.
94% of Americans eat this Italian dish on a regular basis. Over 5 billions of these are sold worldwide yearly. October has been celebrated as the National month for this dish.
During the late 1980s, Nintendo invented Mario to be the face of their brand. Sega needed a character to counteract him. This speed demon hedgehog became just that, a character full of attitude and vibrant levels of speed.
The largest country of South America produces about a third of the world's supply of Coffee, according to the International Coffee organization. That is twice as much as the country next to them. (Vietnam)
Quite popular in Italy, it is believed there is when espresso and chocolate were first mixed in 16th century coffee houses to create this flavor.
The accidental billionaires is a well-research story of the founding of Facebook and the many personalities involved depicted in this film featuring Mark Zuckerberg at Harvard University played by actor Jessie Eisenberg.
The Social Network
Considered over 5000 years old, the first machine to make this snack was invented in 1885. Nebraska produces the most in America. Pillsbury invented a version of this snack to be made in the microwave in 1982. Orville is considered the biggest brand of this snack.
Legend be told that this character was inspired by a pizza pie missing a slice. This dot-swallowing character owned by Namco enters arcades in 1980 and has been ever so popular since.
Hawaii and California
This sweet, buttery taste has a nutty and intense profile and brings a different aroma to coffee drinks due to it's strong flavor. It's been known that tasting this flavor is a gateway into the coffee community.
Peter Jackson's trilogy of films are very faithful to J.R.R Tolkien's classic epic fantasy novels that follows an epic fantasy adventure featuring a meek Hobbit from the Shire and eight companions set out on a journey to save the Middle-Earth.
Lord of the Rings
This food have been around since ancient times, as early as 2030 BCE. On average, Americans eat about 8.5 pounds a year. These are usually fermented in outside settings but the sun's direct rays prevent yeast and molds from growing during the brine process.
This Japanese science fiction character created by Capcom is a robot built in the image of a young boy who fights robots and saves the day of evildoers while discovering his own humanity.
Mega Man
As we all assume, coffee is know as a bean. In reality, coffee comes from a flowering bush like plant that produces this specific fruit. Each of these fruits contain two or three seeds that we as individuals recognize as beans. What are these red fruits that coffee come from?
Tis the season for this flavor that represents the fall and autumn spices mixed into one such as cinnamon, nutmeg and allspice to create this high quality flavor. It has also been used as a popular dessert for many years.
Pumpkin Spice
Ken Kesey's 1975 novel turned film shift focus from the silent narrator criminal to the unpredictable prankster played by Jack Nicholson. He gets transferred from a prison farm to a mental institution where he is in a battle of wills with the Nurse on duty.
One flew over the Cuckoo's nest
Native to Europe and Asia before getting introduced to North American in the 17th century, this root vegetable is cousins with carrots. They have a sweet flavor to them and it can be cooked many different ways, most popularly pureed or roasted.
This character holds the Guinness World Record as the most recognized female video game character. Her main quest in life is to discover answers to the disappearances of her mothers and father. She was so influential, they made a movie about her with Angeline Jolie as the star.
Lara Croft: Tomb Raider
Its known that Americans spend a lot of money on coffee each year, women more than men. On average, how much does the normal individual spend on coffee a year?
1,100 a year
Women- 2,300
Men- 1,900
Originating in early 19th century England, This chewy and sweet flavor is made with molasses or sugar and compliments a warm style of coffee. It closely resembles caramel.
Toffee Nut
This debut novel by American author, Veronica Roth is a three part series with the first movie coming out in 2014. These individuals live in a futuristic world in which society is divided into five factions. Lead actress Shailene Woodley leads a cast where she discovers she will never be able to fit into just one faction, making it a challenge for others.
This dish is made by cooking ground cornmeal in salted water. When the grains absorb water, they soften and turn into a creamy, porridge-like dish. It originated in Northern Italy and taste like corn.