Cars and Things
School LIfe


8 cars are in a car park. How many wheels are there altogether?



There would be 32 wheels because...


                                               Sam did his paper round for 5 days in a row. If he was paid £8 per day, how much money did he earn?



He would earn 40...



As part of a charity event, 6 children each complete 14 laps of the field. How many laps were run in total?



Students ran a total of 84 laps.



There are 8 stems of daffodils in a bunch. How many stems are there in 6 bunches?



48 stems





If 3 cars arrive at a party at the same time, each carrying 4 passengers, how many people arrive at once?



12 passengers will arrive at once because...



Holly is sharing 24 sweets between her and her 3 friends. How many sweets will they each get?



Each will get 8 sweets



A class of 30 children are put into 5 football teams. How many children are there in each team?



Each team has 6 children


A supermarket sells muffins in packs of 4. How many muffins are needed to make 12 packs?



48 muffins




Each morning, 57 cars arrive at YK Pao school each carrying 3 children. How many children arrive at school in the morning. 




18 people go to the cinema and pay £8 each. How much money did the cinema make altogether?








A mum makes a cupcake for each child in her son’s school. There are 5 classes with 28 children in each class. How many cupcakes did she make in total?



140 cupcakes





In a pet shop, each guinea pig is given 4 carrots each per week. There are 9 guinea pigs in the shop. How many carrots are given out each week?



36 carrots





Grandad George shared £44 equally between his 4 grandchildren. How much money did they each receive?



£11 each





Caroline has 27 stickers. She decides to put 3 stickers on each page of her scrapbook. How many pages will have stickers on?



9 pages




6 pizzas are cut into 8 slices. How many slices of pizza are there altogether?



48 slices