Learning about Trauma
Managing Emotions
Problems with Thoughts
Relationship Safety

What is a traumatic event?

Something scary, dangerous or violent where you or someone else was (or could have been) badly hurt or died.


Why is relaxation an important thing to learn to do when you have experienced a traumatic event?

Relaxation can help with the body reactions that are typical with post traumatic stress and can help with that feeling of always being on high alert.


What is emotional intensity

How strong an emotion is


What are the 3 parts of the cognitive triangle

Thoughts, feelings, actions


What does IME stand for regarding healthy relationships, and briefly describe what each one is?

Insight, Mutuality, Emotion Regulation

understanding needs, wants and why you do what you do

understand both sets of needs deserve to be met and compromising to meet needs

managing emotions so you don't hurt the relationship


What are 3 types of feelings that are typical for someone with post traumatic stress?

feeling different/separate from others; ashamed; guilty; embarrassed; sad; depressed; helpless; moody/irritable; betrayed; upset easily; nervous/anxious/worries; not feeling like doing the things you used to do (not enjoying them); numb; angry; not caring about others; rejected; hopeless about the future


Describe how to do progressive muscle relaxation

Tighten a set of muscles, then relax them, progressively going throughout the body (head/face, neck, arms, hands, shoulders/back, chest, stomach, buttocks, legs, feet)


Describe what the mood meter is

A graph of moods with high and low energy emotions and emotions that are high and low in pleasantness (red= high energy, low pleasantness; yellow= high energy, high pleasantness; green= low energy, high pleasantness; yellow= low energy, low pleasantness


What is the best way to manage unhelpful and negative thoughts

Turn the thought around


What are 3 characteristics of a healthy relationship?

respecting boundaries, honesty, trust, good communication, separate identities, fairness/equality, support


What are some examples of body reactions to trauma (name 3)?

feeling disgusting/dirty/gross; sleep problems; hyperactive; body feeling of panic; nightmares; jumpy/startle easily; headaches; eating problems; stomachaches; being on guard/constantly alert; short of breath; low energy; muscles tense; disconnected from body; body feeling shaky; feeling like your body is going through trauma again


Describe how to use the relaxation skill safe/calm place

Imagine a place that makes you feel safe and calm and notice the things that you see, hear, feel, smell and taste there


What does it mean to understand emotions?

To understand emotions means that we understand where the emotion is coming from (what caused it) and how it is influencing out behaviors, and thoughts

What are some questions that we can ask ourselves to change out thoughts around?

Is this true/helpful?

How do I feel when I think this way?

Who would I be if I never believed this thought again?

Is there another way to think about this (find evidence for a new way of thinking)?


What are 3 red flags in a relationship?

control (stalking), emotional abuse (intimidation, hostility, disrespect, dependence), dishonesty, sexual abuse, physical abuse


What are 3 examples of brain and thinking reactions?

trying not to think about trauma; think world is bad; thinking no good will happen; thinking about dying; change in spiritual beliefs; thinking everyone is unsafe; thinking about loved ones' safety; thinking trauma is your fault; thinking you're bad; thinking of trauma often; images or thoughts of what happened popping into head; difficulty concentrating; memories or flashbacks; forgetting parts of trauma; not trusting others


How do you do a body scan

Progressive go through body, notice tension or sensations in that part of the body, and then just with mind, allow that body part to relax


What are some different ways that we can express emotions?

Write about them (describing the emotions and writing what you'd like to say out loud), talk to a person you trust (choose someone safe), move (moving your body in a way to express emotions: dancing, boxing, running, etc.)


Name one thinking problem and give an example of that in your own life.

"All or Nothing" Allen, "Blaming" Blake, "Over and Over" Oliver, "Negative" Nate, "Not a Big Deal" Norman, "Shoulda" Sharonda, "Drama Queen" Jean, "Psych Out" Sam, "Bad Mouth" Brandy, "Emo" Emily


Give an example of how a characteristic in a healthy relationship might look in action.

respecting boundaries, honesty, trust, good communication, separate identities, fairness/equality, support


What are 3 examples of behavior reactions to trauma?

Avoiding people/places/things/sensations; taking feelings out on others; outbursts of anger; hitting; using drugs/alcohol/vaping/cigarettes; arguing; cursing more than normal; hurting your body; crying; trouble getting along with others; school problems; trusting others too quickly/inappropriate boundaries; not listening/defiance; trying to end your life; breaking things; lying; stealing; running away; isolating self; tantrums; figting

Describe how to do deep breathing

Breathe in deeply and slowly through your nose (your belly should be expanding) and then breathe out slowly and fully through your mouth (you belly should be decreasing)


What does it mean to regulate emotions and give an example of regulating an emotion?

Doing something when your emotions are overwhelming to decrease the intensity of the emotion.

Breathe, plan ahead, distract yourself, reframe or think about it differently, visualize what your best self would do


Name another thinking problem and give an example of that in your own life.

"All or Nothing" Allen, "Blaming" Blake, "Over and Over" Oliver, "Negative" Nate, "Not a Big Deal" Norman, "Shoulda" Sharonda, "Drama Queen" Jean, "Psych Out" Sam, "Bad Mouth" Brandy, "Emo" Emily


Give an example of some type of red flag that would indicate that you need to leave the relationship.

control (stalking), emotional abuse (intimidation, hostility, disrespect, dependence), dishonesty, sexual abuse, physical abuse