What is the name of the family in Kabhi Khushi Kabhie Gham?
The Raichands
what is jay always watching during board meetings
the packers
What was UCF's original name?
Florida Technological University
how many comps are there in the RAS circuit?
where is our comp's venue?
trinity prep
What does Amitabh Bachchan's character (Bhashkor Banerjee) suffer from in Piku?
chronic constipation
who's idea was it to start rampage?
rushil 😡
What was the name of UCF's first mascot?
what team was highest on the scoreboard last year?
Rutgers Raga
according to the song what did my true love give to me on the fifth day of Christmas?
five golden rings
What is the name of Geet's cousin in Jab We Met?
which director cannot be taken seriously ever
What is the USF/UCF rivalry known as?
how many points did KnightRaas have last year?
What is the tiny piece at the end of a shoelace called?
"Ek chutki sindoor ki keemat, tum kya jaano _____?"
Ramesh Babu
who is always making jokes no one understands
What was the first building on campus?
John C. Hitt Library
What team is named Bataaka Nu Shaak?
when is our comp?
jan 29th
What brand of perfume does Pappu wear in Pappu Can't Dance Sala?
who's the scariest director
What U.S. President gave a commencement speech in the Reflection Pond?
which year is RAS in?
14 (XIV)
When Michael Jordan played for the Chicago Bulls, how many NBA Championships did he win?