TV Series
True or False
What is the mascot for the Miami professional football team?

What are the Dolphins.


This is a show about a modern stone age family which included Fred, Wilma, Barney, Pebbles, and other memorable characters.

What is the Flintstones.


The autumn equinox occurs in what month?

What is September.


An apple a day is supposed to keep who away?

Who is the doctor.


The Monarch Butterfly will fly over 2,500 miles to migrate.

What is True.


The Cowboys home field is located in what Texas city.

What is Dallas.


What TV show did Elvis and the Beatles first make their appearance?  This show is also ranked 15th of greatest TV show of all time.  

What is the Ed Sullivan Show.

From 1948 until its cancellation in 1971, the show ran on CBS every Sunday night from 8–9 p.m.


What is the short term heat in autumn called?

What is an Indian Summer.


Name the three most common colors of apples.

What are red, green, and yellows.


North American Hummingbirds beat their wings on aver 53 times per minute.

What is true.


What state is the Washington Football Team stadium located. Aka Redskins Stadium at Fed Ex Field.

What is Maryland. 


Lucille Ball plays the wacky character who, over 181 episodes does anything and everything to “be in the show” put on by her husband, Cuban bandleader Ricky Ricardo (Desi Arnaz). This show consistently ranks high as one of the most beloved, and influential, television shows in existence. Ball’s physical comedy is second-to-none and inspired a host of women comedians. What television show is this.

What is I Love Lucy.


What is the full moon in fall called.

What is the harvest moon.


Who is know to have spread apple seeds all over the United States.

Who is Johnny Appleseed.


Shaving makes hair grow faster.

What is false.


This team is the only NFL team to be owned by the people of the town.  The fans wear cheese on their heads and are called cheese heads.  Their quaterback is Aaron Rodgers.

Who are the Greenbay packers.


Nowadays you can find your favorite stars making appearances in reruns of “CSI” or “Law and Order,” but before that, stars were dropping in on this tv show. This romantic comedy and drama series followed the hijinks of the crew and guests of a cruise ship. Like “Fantasy Island” and other shows of the era, there was no running plot outside of a story of the week that allowed for big stars like Carol Channing, Ann Miller, and Olivia de Havilland to have an opportunity to be introduced to TV audiences.

What is Love Boat.


Name two holidays celebrated in the autumn season.

What is Halloween, Thanksgiving, Columbus Day etc.


The first apple tree was planted by this group of people whop settled the Massachusetts Bay colony, leaving England due to religious freedom.

Who are the pilgrims.


The man who invented cotton candy was a dentist?

What is true.

Name one of the two NFL teams with the most super bowl wins.

What are the Patriots and the Steelers.


Who was the head of the family in 'All in the Family'?

Who is Archie Bunker.


Name two crops harvested in autumn.

What are pumpkins, apples, gourds, cabbage, etc. 


What country produces the most apples in the world?

What is China.


A baby birds mother will reject it if you pick it up.

What is false.