Who was The Author of the Book
Harper Lee
What was Scout's and Jems father occupation
What breaks on water but never on land
A wave
Whose house was demolished by flames?
Ms. Maudie
Where is the setting/location of the story
Maycomb, Alabama
What can be touched but not seen?
Someones heart
______ is a neighbor who lived on the same street as the Finch Family
Boo Radley
Who was the main character in the story
Was dill the boy that Jem and Scout befriended?
How did Tom Robinson die?
He was murdered
What do you think of racists?
No correct answer. :)
When do the Ewell Kids go to school
On the first day of every school year
Why does Cecil Jacobs, Francis, and other kids start taunting Scout about her father?
Because he was defending Mr. Robinson, a black man
Why was the story names "To Kill a Mocking Bird"?
A conversation between Atticus and Scout
What is the Hardest Key to turn?
A Donkey
Scout love to fight boys without fear.
Who was raped?
Mayella Violet-Ewell
What does Scout get to dress as for the school pageant?
A Ham
After you read the novel, how do you feel?
No correct answer? :)