Don't Bring Me Down!
May the Force Be...(Balanced/Unbalanced Forces)
Go with the Flow
(Flow of Energy in Ecosystems)
Keep it Simple!
(Simple Machines)
Word Up
(Vocabulary Knowledge)

A force that moves an object away.

What is push?


The type of force which results in movement?

What are unbalanced forces?


Three types of organisms in an ecosystem.

What are producers, consumers and decomposers?


A screw is made up of ____________________ wrapped around a post.

What is an inclined plane?


Mushrooms are a type of ______________ that many people eat.

What are decomposers?


Which force pulls you down a playground slide?

What is gravity?


A force that slows down the movement of an object.  

What is friction?


The arrows in a food chain and food web represent....

What is the flow of energy?


Name each part of the lever below (A, B, and C).

What is:

A. The Load

B. The Force or Effort

C. The Fulcrum


An organism that uses the sun to produce its own food.

What is a producer?


The resistance that one surface or object encounters when moving over another.

What is friction?


A push or pull that changes the position of an object.

What is force?


Bacteria, fungi, worms, ants, beetles, and sow bugs represent a few organisms in this category.

What are decomposers?


Raising the flag on the flagpole is an example of using what kind of simple machine?

What is a pulley?


The fixed point on a lever.

What is a fulcrum?


Tall grass, a thick, fluffy rug and sand on the beach

What are 3 items with high friction?


Two classes are playing Tug-of-War. After several minutes, the students notice that the rope has not moved at all. What is one possible cause of this? 

Both classes are pulling with the same amount of force.


If many of the frogs in this food web died due to pollution in the water,  this consumer could become over-abundant.

Possible answers include:

What are:

* grasshoppers

* fruit flies


* dragonflies


How are a pulley system and a lever alike?

What is: both machines are used to lift an object upward?


Examples of a ________________ include a shovel, a knife, an axe, a saw, a needle, scissors, or an ice pick 

 What is a wedge?


True or False: There is no gravity in space. That is why Earth orbits the Sun.

What is false? In fact, a small amount of gravity can be found everywhere in space. Gravity is what holds the moon in orbit around Earth. 


What two forces are acting together to slowly bring a parachute to the ground?

What are gravity and air resistance?


The figure below shows a sign that you might see while riding in your car. What inferences can you make about what might happen to the organisms that lived in this ecosystem?

Answers may vary (possible answers include):

What is:

* Human deforestation will cause many changes to an ecosystem.

* Animals will lose their homes.

* A plant or animal species might become scarce.

* We will see animals in places they are not usually found due to habitat destruction.

* Many plants and animals in this ecosystem will die.


A wedge is a simple machine made up of ______________.

What is 2 inclined planes?


The process in which an organism uses sunlight to make its own food.

What is photosynthesis?