Director of Multicultural Life and Diversity Office (MLDO) at SUNY Cortland.
AnnaMaria Cirrincione
What does MLDO stand for?
Multicultural Life and Diversity Office
Our personal biases can be shaped by...
Our culture, life experience, and the media
Define Inclusion
The practice or policy of providing equal access to opportunities and resources for people who might otherwise be excluded or marginalized, such as those who have physical or mental disabilities and members of other minority groups.
What does Diversity mean?
Understanding and respecting that each individual is unique.
Assistant Director of MLDO at SUNY Cortland.
Lima Maria Stafford
Where is MLDO located?
Corey Union Room 407-A
Define implicit bias
The act in which we associate stereotypes towards people without our conscious knowledge.
This indicator of Inclusion is viewed most positively among employees but is the least present.
What does NOT nurture a culturally diverse environment?
Imposing your beliefs on someone else.
Acting Assistant Director of MLDO at SUNY Cortland
Cyrenius Nelson
What does SOGIE stand for?
Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity and Expression.
Why does implicit bias matter?
It can alter people's ability to find a job or secure a loan. It can also perpetrate disparities among other things.
If someone is not being included what is something you can do?
Invite them to come over, talk to them, ask them to be a part of your activity, make friends!
The quality of being fair and impartial is what?
Director of the Disability Resources Office at SUNY Cortland
Sue Sprague
Where is the SOGIE office located?
Trick Question! They do not have an office, rather they hold virtual meetings every other Thursday at 2:30pm.
What are some ways to fight bias?
Learn about religions or cultures different from your own. Avoid judging others based on stereotypes. Research how to be a better ally to others.
What is something that makes you feel included?
What are the three kinds of thinking that diversity promotes?
Critical, Reflective, Complexity
The Director of SOGIE at SUNY Cortland.
Erin Morris
Where is the Disability Resource Office located?
Van Hoesen Hall, Room C-17
We do ___ % of our thinking in our subconscious mind, where we collect and store implicit biases.
"Diversity is like having a box of crayons; inclusion is like drawing the picture."
What does this statement mean?
Inclusion is an environment where different people work together well.
What is Cultural Diversity/Awareness?
Recognizing different beliefs, customs, and values that other people have that are based on their origins or upbringing.