Social Skills
Name that Emotion
Social Skills
This or that

True or False: If I really need something, I can shout out in the middle of class



You might feel this way if you trip and fall in front of your friends:

A. Embarrassed

B. Happy

A. Embarrassed


I burped in the middle of a silent room. I should say this..

"Excuse me!"


You meet a new friend in class. Show how you would introduce yourself

say your name and one fun fact about you!


When I am playing a game with friends and I lose I should..

A. Start yelling that I hated the game anyways

B. Continue to have fun with my friends and suggest we play another game

B. Continue to have fun with my friends and suggest we play another game


True or False: It is OK to look into someone else's belongings if they are not around



You might feel this way if someone is saying mean things about you:

A. Angry

B. Funny 


After going to the bathroom, I should do this..

Wash my hands


A student in class has taken your pencil and won't give it back. What would you do?

1. ask them nicely to give it back

2. raise your hand and ask the teacher for help


Someone is playing loud music in the hallway and it is upsetting me. I should..

A. Ask them to turn it down or walk myself to another hallway/classroom

B. Run up to them yelling saying "STOP STOP TURN IT OFF NOW"

A. Ask them to turn it down or walk myself to another hallway/classroom


True or False: When someone does not immediately respond to be question I should continue to ask them over and over until they do



You might feel this way if your best friend moved out of town

A. Happy

B. Sad and Lonely

B. Sad and Lonely

I am sweating from PE class and starting to smell, I should put on this..



You would like to hang out with a classmate outside of school. What would you say to them?

Hey, are you busy after school? Would you like to hang out?


I can't stop thinking about an aweosme movie I watched at home. When I get to school tomorrow I should..

A. Tell everyone at school how incredible it was every single time I think about it, even while the teacher is teaching

B.  Tell my friends about it before class and then move on

B.  Tell my friends about it before class and then move on


True or False: It is ok to make fun of someone when they fall in the cafeteria



You might feel this way if your parents surprised you with a vacation

A. Excited

B. Sad

A. Excited

I sneezed and boogers went all over my hand. I should..

A. Wipe them on my pants 

B. Get up to get a Kleenex and wash my hands

B. Get up to get a Kleenex and wash my hands


You're at a school dance and you want to dance with a friend. How would you ask them?

Hi, would you like to dance with me?


My parents won't buy the chips I want from the grocery store. I should..

A. Say OK and move on

B. Throw a tantrum in the store and start yelling about how unfair it is

A. Say OK and move on


True or False: If I need help in class I should raise my hand and wait to be called on



You might feel this way if your sibling gets a new toy from your parents but you do not

A. Excited

B. Jealous

B. Jealous


My breath is starting to smell and I have food stuck in my teeth from dinner. I should..

Brush my teeth


You are at a pizza restaurant with your family and need to place an order.  How would order?

Hi can I please have a slice of _____ pizza? Thank you!


My friend won't respond to my text messages or phone calls. I should..

A. Keep texting every 10 minutes until they respond

B. Decide that they are probably busy and will call me back when they can.

B. Decide that they are probably busy and will call me back when they can.