The spaceship used by the smugglers Han Solo and Chewbacca.
What is The Milennium Falcon?
A former mathematics professor, he abandoned his academic career to purse a primitive life.
Who is Theodore John Kaczynski?
Juggernaut's Blade Fury reduces his attack damage to 0 against every unit type except this one.
What are Buildings?
This Neutral Legendary Hearthstone Minion is the highest amount of carddraw off of a deathrattle.
What is Octosari?
As a result of the popularity of the Patron Warrior deck, a heavy nerf left this card permanently crippled.
What is Warsong Commander?
The real name of the MCU hero Falcon.
Who is Sam Wilson?
A streamer for Team Liquid, he was part of the longest-lasting lineups in CSGO history.
Who is Jarosław "pashaBiceps" Jarząbkowski?
This status effect causes a player to get 15% less gold from killing a creep.
What is Camp Stacked?
In the Yu-Gi-Oh anime, Dark Magician was transformed into this card when affected by Time Wizard.
What is Dark Sage?
What is GOATS?
A song by The Trashmen, this 60's song was the repeated punchline of a Family Guy episode.
What is "Surfin' Bird"?
Considered one of the world's greatest strikers, he is the captain of the Polish national soccer team.
Who is Robert Lewandowski?
This ability punishes its user for trying to use it past its maximum range.
What is Blink?
With members such as Black Lotus, Ancestral Recall, and Time Walk, a group of extraordinarily powerful cards from Magic: The gathering is referred to as this.
What is the Power Nine?
The name of the fully underwater zone introduced in the World of Warcraft expansion Cataclysm.
What is Vashj'ir?
An iconic piece of a childrens educational show, he was almost part of the tragic Challenger space shuttle disaster.
Who is Big Bird?
The first non-italian pope since Adrian VI, he was born Karol Józef Wojtyła.
Who is John Paul II?
This ability's slow effect stops even hasted units.
What is kinetic field
This Yu-Gi-Oh card depicts two frogs stacked ontop of eachother, with the higher one carrying a piece of fruit on its back.
What is Toadally Awesome?
The name of the player punished for voicing his support of Hong Kong during a live streaming event.
Who is Blitzchung?
A famous jazz musician, nicknamed "Yardbird" and "Bird" while touring with Jay McShann.
Who is Charlie Parker?
The fake name given by a young gentleman is the punchline of an infamous scene from the polish movie "How I Unleashed World War II".
Who is Grzegorz Brzęczyszczykiewicz?
The english translation of the Shitstack custom game favorite, Birzha Memov.
What is Stock Exchange of Memes?
The only Legendary Frog Creature in Magic: The Gathering.
What is The Gitrog Monster?
The error code given to many on the release of Diablo 3 when trying to log into the game.
What is Error 37?