Rape/Sexual Assault

3 phases of the cycle of violence

What are tension building, acute battering incident, and honeymoon?

How often does sexual assault occur in the United States?

What is every 2 minutes?


1 question to ask when assessing risk for suicide

What is:

“Are you currently thinking about harming yourself?”

“Do you have a plan?”

“Have you attempted to harm yourself before?”


Definition of crisis

What is an event or situation in an individual’s life that cannot be managed through the usual coping skills.  


3 signs of physical child abuse

What are:

Unexplained burns, bites, bruises, broken bones, or black eyes.

Fading bruises or other marks noticeable after an absence from school.

Seems frightened of the parents and protests or cries when it is time to go home.

Shrinks at the approach of adults.

Reports injury by a parent or another adult caregiver.

Abuses animals or pets.


3 types of rape

What are acquaintance, marital, and statutory?


3 risk factors for suicide

What are:

Single/divorced, male, gay, lesbian, transgender, age between 45-64, caucasian, mental health diagnosis, or high or low socioeconomic status? 


Definition of violence

What is communication or behavior that threatens or demonstrates harm to self or others.

3 theories that predispose individuals to abusive behavior
What are biological, psychological, sociocultural?

Define silent rape reaction

What is the victim tells nobody about the assault?


2 things to assess for in a suicidal patient

What are: ideas, plans, or attempts

Assess for clues

Evaluate presence of support systems

Evaluate current coping strategies


3 ways to know if your patient is coping?

What are:

Have you witnessed positive behavior changes?

Has the individual developed adaptive coping strategies?

Has the individual grown from the experience?

Could the individual respond with healthy adaptation in future stressful situations to prevent another crisis from developing?

Can the individual describe a plan of action for dealing with stressors similar to the one that precipitated the crisis?

Is the individual functioning like they did before the crisis?


Name 2 nursing interventions for intimate partner violence

What are:

Treat any injuries, then ensure safety

Therapeutic communication and support during crisis period

Contact the police (they do not have to press charges)

Provide resources


4 nursing interventions for victims of rape

What are:

Ensure all physical wounds receive immediate attention

Help them feel safe

Explain every assessment procedure that will be conducted and why it is being conducted

Ensure privacy

Encourage the patient to give an account of the assault. Listen but do not probe.

Discuss whom to call for support

Protect evidence


List 4 nursing interventions for a patient with suicidal thoughts or attempts

What are: treat injuries, 1:1 suicide precautions, establish a trusting relationship, acceptance without judgment, encourage them to talk and express feelings, no suicide contract, observe for increased energy or rapid resolution, enlist help of family/friends, or referrals?


What happens in 2 of the phases of a crisis?

What is: 

Phase 1. The individual is exposed to a precipitating stressor

Phase 2. When previous problem-solving techniques do not relieve the stressor, anxiety increases

Phase 3. All possible resources, both internal and external, are called on to resolve the problem and relieve the discomfort. New problem-solving techniques may be used, and if effectual, resolution may occur at this phase, with the individual returning to a higher, a lower, or the previous level of precrisis functioning

Phase 4. If resolution does not occur in previous phases, “the tension mounts beyond a further threshold or its burden increases over time to a breaking point


4 signs of emotional child abuse

What are: 

Shows extremes in behavior, such as overly compliant or demanding behavior, extreme passivity, or aggression.

Either inappropriately adult (e.g., parenting other children) or inappropriately infantile (e.g., frequently rocking or head-banging).

Delayed in physical or emotional development.

Has attempted suicide.

Reports a lack of attachment to the parent.


Name 5 signs of rape trauma syndrome

What are shock, sleep disturbances, nightmares, flashbacks, anxiety, anger, mood swings, depression, PTSD, or impaired memory?


What does "IS PATH WARM" stand for?

What is ideation, substance abuse, purposeless, anxiety, trapped, hopelessness, withdrawal, anger, recklessness, and mood change?

6 types of crises

What is dispositional, anticipated life transitions, traumatic stress, developmental, reflecting psychopathology,  or psychiatric emergencies?