A grandfather, two fathers and two sons went to the movie theater together and every one bought one movie ticket each. how many movie tickets they buy in total?
3 (the grandfather is also a father and the father is also a son)
What shape is usually waiting for you in Starbucks?
A line
Why was the equal sign so humble?
Because she knew she was greater than or less than anybody
Addition : a + b = b + a
Multiplication : a * b = b * a
What property of real numbers is this?
Commutative Property
Why is it sad that parallel lines have so much in common
Because they never'll meet!
What can you put between 7 and 8 so that the result Is greater than7 but less that 8
A decimal point
Did You hear about the over-educated circle ?
It has 360 degrees.
Why does no one talk to circles?
Because there's no point
If the equation above represent the Inverse Property of real numbers
Addition : a + -a = 0
Multiplication : ? * 1/a = 1
What do you call a tea kettle whistling at the top of a mountain ?
A high-pot-in-use
If 9999=4, 8888=8, 1816=6, 1212=0, then 1919=?
The teacher told him not to use the tables
Who is the King the pencil case
The ruler
Which Property does this represent ?
a(b*c) = (a*b)*c
Associative Property
Why can you trust a polynomial to stay the same?
They have too many variables
2+2 is the same as 2x2. Now find a set of three different whole numbers whose sum is equal to their total when multiplied
because it didn't know when to stop
Why is math considered to be codependent?
It relies on others to solve its problems
If this represent the Distributive Property what will be on the RHS of the equation
a (b + c) =
a*b + a*c
What do you get when you divide the circumference of the sun by its diameter ?
Pi in the sky
What is the smallest number that increases by 12 when it is flipped and turned upside down?
Do you know what's odd?
Every other number
Why can't a nose be 12 inches long?
Because then it would be a foot
Name the property of real numbers :
a (b + c) = (a + b) c
Associative Property
Why didn't the angle get a loan?
Because its parents didn't cosine