Syllables, Synonyms, Word Meaning
Making Inferences
Main Idea and Summary
Author's Purpose and Message
Homographs, homophones, idioms and sequencing (500)

Which of these words has a VCCV Syllable Split(Division)?

A- Pretty

B- Piano

C- Bench

D- Clever

A- Pretty


Ms. Sandoval came in one day wearing snow-boots and looking pretty cold.  What conclusion can you draw about where Ms. Sandoval was?

A-Ms. Sandoval was at the beach.

 B- Ms. Sandoval was playing in the mud.

C- Ms. Sandoval was outside in the snow.  

D.  Ms. Sandoval was in the rain.

C- Ms. Sandoval was outside in the snow.  


In order to find the CENTRAL IDEA, what do you have to do first?

A- Identify Author's purpose

B- Identify the text structure

C- Identify the Author's message

D- Identify the problem

B- Identify the text structure


What did imagine when you hear Author's message?

A- A guy on a box in the middle of the street yelling something.

B- A guy on a box in the middle of the street dancing.

C- A guy on a ferris wheel.

D- A guy on roller skates.  

A- A guy on a box in the middle of the street yelling something.


"That will happen when pigs fly!"

 Why would an author use this idiom?

A- They are saying that  something will happen soon

b-They are saying that something will happen tomorrow

c- They are saying something will never happen

d- They are saying that something has already happened.

c- They are saying something will never happen


Which word has a VCV Syllable Split/Division?

A- Clock

B- Piano

C- Aware

D- Spice

A- Clock


Inside Mr. Zapata's house, there was a pizza on the coffee table and smoke coming from the oven along with the smell of burnt food.  What can you infer happened at Mr. Zapata's house?

A- Mr. Zapata burned dinner so he ordered pizza.

B- Mr. Zapata cooked a wonderful dinner. 

C- Mr. Zapata burned his house down.

D. Mr. Zapata doesn't like pizza.  

A- Mr. Zapata burned dinner so he ordered pizza.


In order to find the summary, you must first-

A- Add a solution to the main Idea

B- Add a comparison to the main Idea

c- Add details to the main Idea

d- Add a banana to the main Idea

c- Add details to the main Idea


What is Author's purpose?

A- The reason why Mrs. Brown is a teacher. 

B- The reason why the earth is round. 

C- The reason why an Author writes a text.  

D- The reason why an Author likes Pie.  

C- The reason why an author writes a text


What is a a homophone?

A- Two words that sound the same and have similar meanings.

B-Two words that sound the same but are spelled differently and have different meanings.  

C- Two words that are spelled the same but have different meanings. 

D- Two words that are antonyms.  

B-Two words that sound the same but are spelled differently and have different meanings. 


She got angry with her friend.

Which is an Antonym for the word ANGRY?

1- Sad

2- Mad

3- Calm

4- Happy

3- Calm


I saw Ms. Rivas running away from her classroom one day, there was blood on her shoe.  I walked into her classroom and saw a a bloody knife and Ms. Cardenas was laying on the floor all bloody.  

What can the reader conclude about what happened?

A- Ms. Rivas and Ms. Cardenas were playing cards.

B- Ms. Rivas was dancing in her classroom. 

C- Ms. Rivas stabbed Ms. Cardenas 

D- Ms. Rivas is excited.  

C- Ms. Rivas stabbed Ms. Cardenas 


Sasha couldn't wait for lunch.  She opened her lunchbox and sighed, "Uh! A bagel and cream cheese!" She must have grabbed her brother's lunch this morning.  She wondered if he ate her delicious peanut butter and jelly sandwich.  Just when she thought she wouldn't eat lunch, her friend Cara offered to share her sandwich.

What is the best CENTRAL IDEA STATEMENT for the passage-

A- Sasha wanted strawberry cream cheese

B- Sasha accidentally grabbed her brother's lunch and was mad.  

C- Sasha was angry because she wanted a pickle to go with her lunch.

D- Sasha accidentally grabbed her brother's lunch, but luckily her friend shared her sandwich.

D- Sasha accidentally grabbed her brother's lunch, but luckily her friend shared her sandwich.


What is the Author's purpose of a book giving facts about Godzilla?

A- To scare people.

B- To teach people about Godzilla.

C- To explain why Godzilla is so big.

D- To tell why Godzilla is a monster.  

B- To teach people about Godzilla.


I had to go to the store.  I got two gallons of Milk.  I got home and realized I bought too many.

I these sentences TO, TWO, and TOO are-



C- Both



Bridwell loved art so much, though, that he decided to make it his career. He attended art school and later moved to New York to take even more art classes. He found a job drawing cartoons for filmstrips, but soon he needed to earn more money because he was married and had a child. Bridwell needed a better job so that he could support his new family. He displayed his art in a special book called a portfolio and tried to find work drawing pictures for children’s books.

In this paragraph, what does the word support mean?

F Listen to

G Think about

H Take care of

J Feel proud of

H Take care of


In the book ENEMY PIE, what can the reader conclude about the main character's relationship with Jeremy Ross after they ate Enemy Pie?

A- They fight

B- They are enemies

C- They are best friends

D- They will play soccer.

C- They are best friends


Mabry's sister would not fall asleep for her nap.  Mabry's mom had tried everything!  Giving her a blanket, rocking her and playing soft music.  Mabry looked at the window and saw the light shining through.  Aha!  She had an idea, she went to get a blanket and draped it over the window.  Now the room was dark and Mabry's sister fell right to sleep.

What is the best summary of the test?

A- Mabry's sister would not go to sleep.

B- Mabry's sister would not take a nap because it was too bright in the room.  

C- Mabry's sister was not sleepy.

D- Mabry's sister would not go to sleep, but when Mabry figured out how to make the room dark the baby was able to fall asleep.  

D- Mabry's sister would not go to sleep, but when Mabry figured out how to make the room dark the baby was able to fall asleep.  


Anne Frank was a young girl who lived through the Holocaust.  What is the Author's purpose of a book about Anne Frank (there really is one!)

A- To tell about Anne Frank's life though the Holocaust

B- To tell what things Anne likes. 

C- To tell about Anne's sister.

D- To tell a story about Anne.

A- To tell about Anne Frank's life though the Holocaust


Homographs are-

A- Words that are spelled the same, but have different meanings. 

B Words that are spelled differently but have the same meanings.

C- I don't know 

B Words that are spelled differently but have the same meanings.


Bridwell has written and illustrated many other books for children that do not include Clifford. Bridwell says he’s also written other books that have not been accepted by publishers. Bridwell doesn’t let the rejection stop him. He tells children who like to write or draw not to give up. “If you like doing it and keep working at it, then someday you will succeed,” Bridwell says. He speaks from experience. Without Bridwell’s determination and passion, the world would never have been introduced to Clifford the big red dog.

Which words in  this paragraph help the reader understand the meaning of rejection?

F have not been accepted

G that do not include

H speaks from experience

J like doing it

F have not been accepted


Ms. White came to school with dog hair all over her shirt.  She was tired and has scratches all over her arms.   What can you conclude that Ms. White did over the weekend?

A- Ms. White went to the state fair

B- Ms. White went to the store. 

C- Ms. White got a new puppy.

D-Ms. White got a new car.  

C- Ms. White got a new puppy.


The murphy family was doing yardwork today.  First they were going to trim the bushes then they would pick up all the branches and spread new mulch.  Mr. Murphy turned on the trimmers but the battery was dead.  Oh no!  They couldn't spread the mulch until he trimmed the bushes.  He plugged in the battery to charge and grabbed a football.  If they couldn't work now, they might as well have some fun! 

What is the best CENTRAL IDEA of the selection?

A- Mr. Murphy's trimmer battery was dead 

B- Mr. Murphy's trimmer battery was dead so they played football instead!

C- Mr. Murphy's trimmer battery was dead so he got a new one

D- Mr. Murphy trimmed the bushes and then they played football.

B- Mr. Murphy's trimmer battery was dead so they played football instead!


What could be the Author's message about a book written by a person who loves animals and gives information about adopting dogs?

A- Adopt a cat today! 

B- Be Kind

C- Dogs are easy to love

D- Adopt a dog today!

D- Adopt a dog today!


Think about the story THUNDERCAKE.  Fill in the blank

I see thunder--> I count how far away the lightening is-->_____________--> I eat the Thundercake

A- I gather the ingredients and cooke thundercake.

B- Go to the window and look for lightening.

C- Tell Grandma that the Thunder scares me.  

D- Take Thundercake out of the oven.

A- I gather the ingredients and cooke thundercake.