The Strategic Role of HRM
The Impact on Federal Legislation
3 Goals of HRM
Maintaining an Effective Workforce
Managing Diversity

T or F: The three broad goals of HRM are finding, developing, and expanding an effective work force. 

F: The three broad goals of HRM are finding, developing, and maintaining an effective work force.


T or F: Once an effective workforce has been established maintaenance is no longer necessary.

F: Maintenance of the current workforce involves compensation, wage and salary systems, benefits and (occasionally) termination. 


What is diversity?

All the ways in which people differ.


Human resource ___ is the forecasting of HR needs and the projected matching of individuals with expected vacancies.



Pay-for-performance, also called incentive pay, means tying at least part of compensation to employee effort and performance. What is the benefit to this method.

Employees have an incentive to make the company more effiecient and profitable because if goals are not met, no bonuses are paid.


What exactly does managing diversity in today's global economy consist of?

Creating a climate in which the potential advantages of diversity for organizational or group performance are maximized, while the potential disadvantages are minimized. 


T or F: The legal and regulatory enviroment is constantly changing.

T: HR managers have to stay on top of issues that might have legal consequences. 


Which of the following is NOT a goal of HRM?

a. Finding an effective workforce

b. developing an effective workforce

c. expanding an effective workforce

d. maintaining an effective workforce 

c. expanding an effective workforce


Organizations are required by law to provide some benefits but not others. Give two examples of benefits organizations are required by law and two that organization are not required but may offer. 

1. Social security, unemployment compensation and workers' compensation

2. Vacations, onsite fitness center, educational reimbursements


___ ___ refers to the economic value of the combined knowledge, experience, skills, and capabilities of employees.

Human captial


___ occurs when hiring and promotion decisions are made based on criteria that are not relevant.



In the selection process, employers assess applicants' characteristics in an attempt to determine the "fit" between the job and applicant characteristics. The most frequently used selection devices are...

the application form, interview and employment test. 


The strategic approach to HRM recognizes three key elements. First, all managers are involved in managing human resources. Second, employees are viewed as assets. Third, ...

HRM is a matching process, integrating the organization's stratgey and goals with the correct aproach to managing human capital. 


Name a major federal law related to human resource management.

Equal oppurtunity/discrimination laws, civil rights act, americans with disabilities act, vocational rehabilitation act, age discrimination in employment act, civil right act, title vii, compensation/benefits laws, health insurance portabiility and accountability act (HIPAA), family and medical leave act, equal pay act, health/safety laws, patient protection and afforable care act, consolidated omnibus budget reconciliation act, occupational safety and health act...


Many organizations use internal recruting, or promote-from-within policies, to fill their high-level positions. Internal recruiting has two major advantages, what are they?

It is less costly than an external search, and it generates higher employee commitment, development, and satisfaction because it offers oppurtunities for career advancement to employees rather than outsiders.