Silent Spring
Age of Extinction
Feed the World
The Blue Marble
Planet Plastic

This event kicked off the environmental movement in the US and raised public awareness about pollution

What is Silent Spring?

The United Nations Environmental Program is an example 

What is an intergovernmental organization?


You look at fish,

It might make a nice dish, 

You're happy to see,

It is fished sustainability...

What is an ecolabel?

What is the Marine Stewardship Council? 


This area collects rain and surface water from an area and also forms management units for conservation authorities

What is a watershed?


This legislation was brought in to reduce the number of microbeads in cosmetic products in Canada.

What is the Microbeads in Toiletries Act? 


This ENGO helped start a recycling wave by collecting phonebooks.

What is Pollution Probe?


These organizations purchase land to protect it

What are land conservancies? 


Sugar and spice and everything lice,

A bit of me in the sea will reduce lice substantially

What are lumpfish?


This common additive at wastewater treatment plants helps prevent eutrophication. 

What is ferric solution?


I recycled my bottle instead of throwing it away
Feeling good, so no need to do anything else today

What is complacency? 


The Federal and Provincial Governments share environmental responsibilities. However, this responsibility may be split between the Federal or the Provincial government, depending on the circumstances. 

What are environmental assessments?


This area protects against the loss and fragmentation of the agricultural land, gives permanent protection to the natural heritage and water resource systems and builds resilience to and mitigates climate change 

What is the Greenbelt?


The Lancet Commission said hey,

We are way past this boundary today...

What are planetary boundaries?


These two mechanisms lead to sea level rise.

What are changes to the cryosphere and thermal sea level rise?


Most of the plastics ever created have been discarded. Even this end-of-life option for plastics has been used more than recycling...

What is incineration? 


In this carbon tax design, individual citizens are given back the money accumulated from the tax. 

What are per-capita divdends?


The three reasons given by Minin et al. to support trophy hunting as a viable conservation option.

What are financial benefits, lower GHG emissions and better wildlife management?


This dietary change could "free up several million square kilometers of land" and help mitigate against greenhouse gas emissions

What is no animal-source food?


We were friends before, but now no more

It's time for you to go, I'm starting to look like snow

What is coral bleaching?


These colourful waste receptacles for recycling end up as part of the recycling stream themselves once they've been opened

What are recycling bags (blue bags)? 


If we are ever going to reduce climate emissions below 2° C, major emitting countries will have to become significantly more ambitious with this aspect of their climate policy

What are nationally determined contributions (NDCs)? 


Invasive species can cause considerable damage to ecosystems and culls are one way of removing them. These three underlying factors determine if culling is a good option for invasive species.

What are catchability, immigration rates and population declines?

Methane release from organics would be a lot more if we didn't do this!

What is the gas flare?


This crop was the source of the 2011 Lake Erie algal bloom. 

What is maize (corn)?


These items are the six items included as part of the Canadian government ban on plastic.

What are:

  • Grocery bags
  • Straws
  • Stir sticks
  • Six-pack rings
  • Plastic cutlery
  • take-out containers