Name one example of cyberbullying.
Being rude or mean online,
Pretending to be someone else online
Hacking into someone's social media
Spreading secrets or rumors about others online.
What is an example of verbal bullying?
Teasing, name-calling, inappropriate sexual comment, taunting, threatening to cause harm
Yes or No: Ashley pushes and trips Andrew everyday during gym class.
Yes, because Ashley is physically bullying Andrew on a continuous basis
Spreading rumors is not bullying.
False: Spreading rumors is a type of social bullying.
How long can the effects of bullying last?
Yes or No: Does cyberbullying only happen on social media?
No, cyberbullying can happen on message boards, through text, in video games, etc.
Jane tells her friends not to talk to Katie or invite her to any parties
This is social bullying. Jane is leaving someone out on purpose and/or to cause harm.
John calls Joey a loser every morning.
Yes, because Joey repeatedly gets called an unwated nickname.
To be considered bullying, the behavior has to be repeated.
Yes, this is is an example of outing and trickery. Because Adam convinced April to share something with him then he outed her.
Threatening someone is what kind of bullying?
Verbal bullying
No, because he did not continue to make jokes. This behavior is not bullying, but is rude and disrespectful.
Cyberbullying can even get you in trouble with the law.
True. Cyberbullying can have legal consequences.
True or False: Bullying is a disagreement or argument where both sides share their views.
False: That is a conflict.
Yes or No: Is it cyberbullying if Howard pretends to be Jack on Twitter for months?
Yes, because impersonation is a form of bullying.
Spitting on someone is what kind of bullying?
Physical bullying
Yes or No: Nancy said something that makes you mad so you curse at her and call her a name.
No, because this happened once. This is not bullying, but is rude/disrespectful.
You tell Kim that she can't be friends with Paul. This is bullying.
True. This is social bullying to Paul.
Making inappropriate comments is what type of bullying?
Verbal Bullying.
Name two types of cyberbullying
Harassment, outing & trickery, excluding, cyberstalking, threats, intimidation
Constant bullying can lead to what kinds of symptoms?
Depression, anxiety, withdrawal, low self-esteem, thoughts of hurting self or others
Yes or No: Alex tells 2 people at school about a secret Jenny told him because he was mad that Jenny was talking to someone he doesn't like.
Yes, because Alex is doing this in retaliation and is intended to cause humiliation/ harm Jenny.
True or False: Bullies are in position of power over the person they are bullying.
True. Bullying involves an imbalance of power.
True or False: Bullying is when someone asserts him/herself over someone else, acting as if they are more important, stronger, or more valuable as a person.