Native Americans
Christopher Columbus

What is this unit called?

Three Worlds Meet


Why is there so much diversity among Native American groups? Why are houses, clothing, and other parts of their lives so different? 

Each had its own language, religion and customs, and different ways of living depending on where they lived in the world. 


Since these African empires existed so long ago, how do you think historians have learned about their history? 

Artifacts- left behind from ancient civilizations


What are the three G's? 





Where was Christopher Columbus born? 

a. Italy 

b. Spain 

c. Michigan 

d. Asia

a. Italy 


What best describes the work of a historian?  

  1. Someone who studies time 

  2. Someone who is trying to find evidence of what the past was like 

  3. Someone who likes history class 

  1. Someone who is trying to find evidence of what the past was like


Describe characteristics of where the Northwest Native Americans lived and how they had to adapt to their environment.

 Along the Pacific Ocean in northwest

• Long, narrow region about 150 miles wide and 2000 miles long 

• Mountains come right down to the ocean in many places 

• Mild climate with lots of rainfall with many vast forests


Which animals could carry large loads, needing little water, and were steady walking on sand which made trade possible? 



What spice was deemed very important to European explorers? They used it to season and preserve meats, as well as for medicinal value. 



True or False: Christopher Columbus treated Native Americans with kindess and respect. 


  1. Which of the following is a secondary source?

    • A video of actual 9/11 attacks on the Twin Towers 

    • A diary written by a child living during WWII 

    • A painting done in 1975 of people escaping the Underground Railroad

A painting done in 1975 of people escaping the Underground Railroad


Describe characteristics of where the Southwest Native Americans lived and how they had to adapt to their environment.

Rugged high country in the north with mesas and canyons 

• Areas with mountains and lots of desert 

• Common feature: dryness 

  1. What is the main reason that trade routes began to cross the Sahara Desert?

    • The Sahara was easy to cross because it was mainly flat land 

    • People on each side of the Sahara wanted goods from the other side

    • Muslim traders knew how to cross the desert quickly 

People on each side of the Sahara wanted goods from the other side


Which of these is NOT a reason for exploration? 

a. Desire to trade with Asia 

b. Improved ships and better technology

c. Countries did not want to expand 

d. Glory and fame 

c. Countries did not want to expand


True or False: Columbus was looking for a new trade route and riches like gold.


  1. Which of the following is a primary source?

    • A diary written by a child living during WWII 

    • A painting done in 1975 of people escaping the Underground Railroad 

    • A photograph of Native Americans fighting British Soldiers

A diary written by a child living during WWII


Describe characteristics of where the Eastern Woodand Native Americans lived and how they had to adapt to their environment.

 Most of the land was woodland. 

• Lots of variety: seacoasts, mountains, lakes, grasses and cypress trees, river valleys, mountains. 

• In the North there were four seasons, in the south there was a fairly mild climate and long growing season.

• Special feature: the Great Lakes and many rivers. 


Name any of the 3 West African ancient empires. 





Why do you think so many different traders were involved in overland trade? 

Overland trade took a lot of time and was often dangerous. It also led to goods being very expensive.


What was a positive effect of the Columbian exchange? 

New crops, plants, animals, cultures, etc. 

  1. What is one strength of archaeological evidence?

    • We can examine real objects from the past 

    • We only have a few things left from the past and they can be hard to find 

    • We can misinterpret what an artifact is

We can examine real objects from the past 


Who was here first- the Native Americans or European Explorers? 

Native Americans 


Why is salt such a valuable trade item? 

It kept food from spoiling and was considered very valuable. 


Why was this time period known as "The Age of Exploration?" 

It was a period of time when the European nations began exploring the world. They discovered new routes to India, much of the Far East, and the Americas.


What was a negative effect of the Columbian exchange? 

New diseases, like smallpox and measles that killed hundreds of Native Americans