What is sexual abuse?

SA is being tricked, forced, bribed or threatened into sexual behavior of any kind.


Is it ok to feel angry

Yes anger is not a bad feeling and it can be helpful. Feeling anger may help kids recognized that some thing isn't right.


Would you still be friends with someone that you know sexually abused a child?

What is you answer and why


Mike is hanging up balloons for a party. He has 4 bags of yellow balloons and 6 bags of blue balloons. If each bag has 10 balloons in each, how many balloons will Mike put up if he uses all of them?

4 x 10= 40

6 x 10 =60

40+60= 100


How many boys are sexually abused?

Exact numbers are not known but we believe that more than 1 in 7 boys have been sexually abused.

Name 2 things that are ok to do when you are angry.

Some ideas are: listen to music, go outside and run or bike, punch a pillow, stomp your feet, yell where no one can hear you


What would you think of a friend who told you that he had been sexually abused by his aunt?


Name 3 continents

North America, South America, Asia, Europe, Africa Australia and Antarctica


Is is abuse if the child doesn't say no to sexual behavior?

Yes it is abuse, many kids feel confused, scared or worried and they don't know how to say no.


Name 2 other feelings that are a part of angry feelings

Some are; frustration, fear, anxiety, guilt, shame, embarrassment, betrayal, jealousy, sadness, hurt, and worry


What would you say to a kid that you really wanted to stay friends with if he wanted you to play a sexual game?


Mr. Jones needs to bring potato chips to the Halloween party. The store is selling chips 2 bags for $6. If he has $24. to spend, how many bags of chips will he bring to the party?


4 X 2 = 8


Can a doctor tell that a child has been sexually abused by examining their body?

In most cases a doctor cannot tell because there are usually no lasting signs from sexual abuse.


What are some positive words that you can say to yourself if are thinking negative thoughts about yourself?

I am a good friend, I am good in school, I am funny, I am good at art or music, I am good at sports, I am a good sport, I am good at videogames.


Do kids miss the person that touched them in a sexual way?

Yes, it is very common for kids to miss the person and to want the old relationship back with or without the sexual part.


If a boy gets sexually abused by a man does that make him gay?

No, nothing that is done to you changes your sexual orientation (what gender you are attracted to)


Why would a child not tell about sexual abuse?

Most kids don't tell, especially at first. They may be afraid, embarrassed or ashamed.


What are some feelings that a child might experience if they participated in a sexual game with another child?

Kids often feel guilty and ashamed, that it was somehow their fault or that they deserved what happened because they didn't say no. Kids might also feel alone or that he doesn't fit in anymore and/or scared, angry, sad or confused.


Is it ok to touch yourself in a sexual way.

Yes if you want to and feel comfortable and you do it in private.


Mr. James baked 3 trays of 36 cookies each. After the cookies cooled he divided them evenly in 4 bags. How many cookies were in each bag?


3 X 36 = 108
