Who was born on Christmas Day?
Who is Jesus Christ
Large, powerful storm that occurs over large bodies of water.
What are Hurricanes
What is 12 x 7
What is 84
Ooooooooh! Who lives in a pineapple under the sea? Absorbent and yellow and porous is he.
What is SpongeBob SquarePants
sour (and gummy!) candy shaped like young people.
What are Sour Patch Kids?
Name of the plant that people kiss under at Christmas?
What is Misteltoe
Stratus, cirrus, cumulus and nimbus are types of what?
What is clouds
What is 125 divided by 5
What is 25
This show exist in a time of Dinosaurs and cavemen.
What is The Flintstones
A red gummy candy shaped like creatures that have gills.
What are Swedish fish
The beverage company that has been using commercials starring Santa Claus since the 1930's
What is Coca-Cola
An anemometer is used to measure what?
What is wind speed
What is the word "difference," refer to in math?
What is subtraction
In each briefcase is an amount of money ranging from .01- $1,000,000, How well you pick your cases will make The Banker call with a cash amount to take.
What is Deal or No Deal
The name of a candy bar that is also the name of one of Boston and New York's most famous baseball players.
What is "Baby Ruth?"
The Grinch tried to take Cristmas away from the residents of which town?
What is The Whose in Whoville
Which type of cloud appears feathery?
What is Cirrus
4 + 2x = 6
What is 1
Not just singing, these talents also include dancing, comedy, magic, and stunts. Impress a judge and they might hit that Golden Buzzer.
What is Americas Got Talent
This gummy doesn't go on the end of a fishing hook
What are Gummy Worms ?
How many randeers does Santa Have?
Name them.
What is
Prancer, Dancer, Comet, Cupid,Donner, Dasher, Vixen, Bixen and Rudolf
Someone who is trained to predict the weather is called a ____.
What is a meteorologist
What are the first 4 digits of Pi?
What is 3.141
This show is a spin off of the original Japanese series. Hundreds compete in obstacles like the spider jump, cargo climb, and the warped wall.
What is American Ninja Warrior
The substance added to candy that gives the sucrose (sugar) a sourness, making it into "sour candy."
What is citric acid?