What is causation (overall)?
The act or process of causing something to happen or exist. : the relationship between an event or situation and a possible reason or cause. -Webster
What is sign used when writing?
Signs are indications that something has caused something else or that something is the effect of something else.
What is sequence?
Things that come first are often causes, and things that come later are often effects.
What is correlation?
When two things regularly happen together, we often assume that one causes the other.
What is causation when writing?
Arguments about causation claim that something causes or is the effect of something else.
Is this sign?
Last week, Christian said that he was not your friend, but now he’s telling everyone you’re very close
Why is this sequence?
Earthquakes in Oklahoma began not long after hydrofracking was introduced into the area, SO hydrofracking caused these earthquakes.
Earthquakes in Oklahoma began not long after hydrofracking was introduced into the area, SO hydrofracking caused these earthquakes SINCE events that happen first are typically the causes of events that happen later.
Is this correlation?
People who fail to finish high school tend to have more trouble with the law.
when trying to convince people to do (or not do) something.
Make your own sign sentence.
Make your own sequence sentence.
Make your own correlation sentence.