Name the action
Parts of Speech
Slang and Idioms
Stuff and Things
Main Idea (All Play)



(Mike) owns the (fastest) car. 

Mike = proper noun

Fastest = Superlative adjective


I (pigged out) last night at the weeding! 

Pig out = to eat a lot 




Describe this image with at least (3) adjectives. 

1. Muscular

2. Strong

3. Athletic

4. Build

5. Ripped


A woman and 9 friends are under ONE umbrella. But nobody gets wet. Why?

Because it wasn't raining


For most of human history, people thought that the Earth was the center of the Universe. But Nicolaus Copernicus changed this when he theorized that sun was the center of the universe. Interestingly, Copernicus had most of this figured out some time around 1514. His work was not described in written text until 1532. Yet, publication of this text was not completed until 1543 as he lay dying. Some scholars believe that Copernicus delayed publishing this work because it went against the Catholic Church's view that the Earth was at the center of the Universe.

Copernicus discovered that the sun was the center of the universe.


Which email service is owned by Microsoft?

a) Hotmail

b) Yahoo!

c) G-mail




(Wow!) What a (beautiful) car! 

Wow! = interjection

beautiful = adjective 


What a long day! I can't wait to shower and (crash).


Crash = to fall asleep quickly 


Iron or Steamer (Steam Iron) 


Describe this image with at least (3) adjectives.

1. Dangerous

2. Powerful

3. Scary

4. Terrible

5. Massive


What are the next two letters in this? 

"J, F, M, A, M, J, _ , _"

J, A (The letters are the first letters of the months – January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August )


The brain is the most complicated system in the human body. The brain is separated into two hemispheres or halves. From front to back, the brain is further divided into three parts: the forebrain, the midbrain, and the hindbrain. The forebrain is where most reasoning, thinking, and emotional activity occur. It is also where most memories are stored. The midbrain controls reflexes and processes sensory information (sight, touch, taste, etc.) The hindbrain processes basic survival functions, like breathing and maintaining a heartbeat. The brain is truly the most amazing system in the human body.

The brain is an amazing system in the human body.


Which country produces the most coffee in the world?

a) Mexico

b) Vietnam

c) Brazil




I am very hungry (but) I am trying to (lose) weight. 

but = conjunction 

lose = verb 


My classmates (screwed) up the entire presentation and now we got to do it all over again. 

Screw-up = to make a mistake


VCR or VHS player 


Describe this image with at least (3) adjectives.

1. Confused

2. Shocked

3. Bewildered 

4. Lost 

5. Puzzled 


What does this say? HIGH HIGH HIGH HIGH HIGH

High Five :p


If cotton candy had a list of ingredients on the side of the bag, it would be a very short list. Sugar and food coloring would be the only two things on it. So, how does sugar become the fluffy treat that we know as cotton candy? The process starts with a small amount of colored sugar spinning in the head of the machine. The sugar is heated until it melts. Then it is squeezed out through tiny holes in the spinning head. The melted sugar becomes solid and is caught in a larger bowl that surrounds the spinning head. The product builds up in the bowl. The person running the machine should twirl a stick to gather the sugared strands. You may not have a cotton candy machine lying around your house, but you probably have all the ingredients to make it!

Making cotton candy is quite easy, and it does not require many ingredients.


What is the capital city of Spain?



Juggle (ing) 


My dog loves (hiding) (under) the table.

hiding = verb

under = preposition


That golden chain I got was a (lemon). I'm going back to return it immediately. 

Lemon = a bad purchase


Power Strip


Describe this image with at least (3) adjectives.

1. Squishy

2. Soft

3. Colorful

4. Malleable 

5. Slimy


What month do soldiers hate?



Sir Isaac Newton was in his garden one day in 1665 when he noticed an apple fall from a tree. Newton wondered to himself, "Why should the apple always fall to the ground? Why doesn't it go sideways or upwards but directly toward the Earth's center?" After much thought, Newton concluded that objects are pulled to the Earth through a force that he called "gravity," which means "heaviness in Latin." In 1687, Newton wrote a book about the science behind gravity.

Sir Isaac Newton discovered gravity.


 What colors are the Norwegian flag?

Red, white & blue. 


Hand Gliding


The students works (quietly) while the teacher (sleeps.) 

quietly = adverb

sleeps = verb


After being in relationship for ten years my brother and his girlfriend finally decided to (tie the knot).

Tie the knot = to get married




Describe this image with at least (3) adjectives.

1. Sexy

2. Beautiful

3. Fit

4. Hot

5. Attractive


What gets whiter the dirtier it gets?

A chalkboard (whiteboard)


Lucy would never get her room clean. It looked like a tornado had hit it. She couldn’t believe how much damage her friends had done. They pulled everything out and didn’t put anything back. Glue was spilled all over her rug, and fingernail polish was spilled on her new bedspread. They had even wiped their chocolate covered fingers on her curtains. This is going to take forever to clean. Urgh!

Lucy's friends made a huge mess.


What are the three (3) primary colors? 

Red, yellow & blue.




I like to watch (movies) when it (rains.) 

movies = common noun 

rains = verb


That (chick) is so annoying! I wish she'd leave me alone.

Chick. = a young woman (girl)




Describe this image with at least (3) adjectives.

1. Majestic

2. Beautiful

3. Historic

4. Important

5. Ancient/Old


I am always in front and never behind. What am I?

The future


Before you put on that skeleton costume and travel door-to-door begging for candy, take a minute to reflect on this tradition. Halloween is believed to have come from an ancient Celtic festival dating back to 2,000 years ago. November 1st was the Celtic New Year and marked the end of summer. The Celts celebrated the evening before by wearing costumes made of animal skins and dancing around bon fires. Over the next 2000 years, this primitive celebration grew to be the candy-fueled costume ball that we know today.

The tradition of Halloween came from a Celtic festival long ago.


How long does it take to hard boil an egg?

a) 4 minutes

b) 7 minutes 

c) 9 minutes 

7 minutes 


Fix (ing) // Repair (ing)


I went (to) school (on) Monday.

to/on =. prepositions


Have you seen Mike? He looks totally (ripped)! I think I will ask him the number of his trainer. 

Ripped  = very physically fit (muscular)




Describe this image with at least (3) adjectives.

1. Rainy

2. Windy

3. Wet

4. Powerful

5. Slippery 


Where do fish keep their money?

A riverbank


There are many types of deadly venom in the animal kingdom, but perhaps no stranger carrier than the platypus. The platypus is one of few venomous mammals. Male platypus carry a venom mixture in their ankles. This venom incapacitates victims with excruciating pain. Stranger still, the platypus is the only mammal that uses electroreception. That means that the platypus uses its bill to sense the electricity produced by the muscular movements of its prey. Electroreception is a sixth sense, different from seeing, hearing, smelling, tasting, or feeling. Perhaps most odd, the platypus is the only mammal that lays eggs rather than giving birth to live young. What an odd creature indeed.

The platypus is an odd creature.


What is the name of the world's largest ocean? 

Pacific Ocean


Sink (ing)


(She) eats very (quickly) when she's (hungry)

She = pronoun

Quickly = adverb

Hungry = adjective


That movie was (sick)! I can't wait to see it again. 

Sick = awesome or really good


Rocking Chair 


Describe this image with at least (3) adjectives.

1. Delicious

2. Soft

3. Yellow 

4. Healthy

5. Nutritious 


It belongs to you, but your friends use it more. What is it?


Your name. :P 


Some people think that some holidays celebrating love are nothing but clever ploys by marketers to sell candy, flowers, and stuffed animals. Who cares? In America, we celebrate two love themed holidays: Valentine's Day and Sweetest Day. Valentine's Day is celebrated in the winter, while Sweetest Day is celebrated in the fall. Valentine's Day is focused on bringing lovers together. Sweetest Day is purported to be for all the friends, relatives, and associates whose kindness we've enjoyed. Both occasions are great times to celebrate what's most important: the people we love.

There are two holidays where we can celebrate the people we love: Valentine's Day and Sweetest Day.


(Riddle) Kate’s mother has three children: Snap, Crackle and ___?



Moisturize (ing) 


(Susan) is so (beautiful) (and) (she) doesn't even wear make-up.

Susan = proper noun 

beautiful = adj.

and = conjunction

she = pronoun 


A: I am so lonely without her and I miss her so much. 

B: I (feel you) bro. 

Feel you = I understand or empathize


A dime or ten cents. 


Describe this image with at least (3) adjectives.

1. Strong/Powerful

2. Big

3. Tough

4. Muscular

5. Large/Big/Fat


Tuesday, Sam and Peter went to a restaurant to eat lunch. After eating lunch, they paid the bill. But Sam and Peter did not pay the bill, so who did?

Their friend, Tuesday.


Although many people think a koala is a bear, it is not. The koala is a type of mammal called a marsupial. A kangaroo is also a marsupial. These mammals carry their babies in a pouch. The kangaroo’s pouch is on her stomach, but the koala’s pouch is on her back. Both feed their babies milk and keep them secure in their pouch until they are strong enough to survive on their own.

The koala and the kangaroo are both marsupials, but they have some differences.


I have a tail and a head, but no body. What am I? 

A coin


Bake (ing) 


(Ouch!) Stop (poking) me! 

Ouch! = interjection

Poking = verb


I am trying to lose weight so that means no sweets, carbohydrates or (booze).

Booze. = alcohol


HDMI cable (High-Definition Multimedia Interface)


Describe this image with at least (3) adjectives.

1. Fun

2. Exciting

3. Challenging

4. Frustrating

5. Difficult/Hard


Mr. Brown was killed on Sunday afternoon. The wife said she was reading a book. The butler said He was taking a shower. The chef said he was making breakfast. The maid said she was folding clothes, and the gardener said he was planting tomatoes. Who did it? How do you know?

The chef. Mr Brown was killed in the afternoon and yet the chef claimed he was making breakfast?


Automation is the use of machines to reduce the need for human labor. In other words automation is when jobs done by people become jobs done by robots. Automation can be a good thing. Clothing, cars, and other manufactured products are available at good prices and in large supply because of automation. But automation can also be a bad thing. Because of automation there are over 700,000 robots in America that do jobs once performed by humans. The way of automation may not be best for humanity, but it is the course we are taking.

We are headed toward using automation, even though it takes away many jobs that were previously done by humans.


What is the largest planet in our solar system?
