165 degrees
to what temperature should a turkey be cooked
found in mexican restaurants, can be made with either soft or hard shell
what is a taco?
often considered a vegatable, this food is actually a fruit.
what is a tomato
maria's favourite dessert
what is cheesecake
another name for a dried plum
what is a prune?
an oblong french pastry made with choux dough and filled with cream
what is an eclair
vitamins A, D, E, K
what are fat soluble vitamins
made from a shredded root vegetable, traditionally prepared at Hanukkah
what is a Latke
an equal mixture of minced celery, onion and carrots
what is mirepoix
(pronounced meer-pwah)
type of "spicy" cookie popular at Christmas time
what is pfeffernuse?