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I am skilled at playing the harp. Jonathan is my close friend. I struck down Goliath.

Who is David?


...neither will mourning nor outcry nor pain be anymore. The former things have passed away.

What is Revelation 21:4?


This category displays the special campaign or a main topic on people's minds.

What is Featured?


At this convention we learned about a quality that's proven by evidence,  and when Daniel developed this quality, he was able to endure his circumstances.

What is 2021 Powerful by Faith! Convention?


I am called a preacher of righteousness. I have three sons. I was 600 years old when the flood came.

Who is Noah?


And I will put enmity between you and the woman...he will crush your head, and you will strike his heel.

What is Genesis 3:15?


This category shows recently added videos, music, articles, and news.

What is See What's New?


This Convention taught us that joy is not determined by our circumstances. Through true friendships, observing exquisite flowers and eating delicious foods, we have proof of this characteristic that Jehovah wants us to have. The video dramatizations of Neeta and Jade helped us to improve our skills in the ministry using this characteristic.

What is 2020 Always Rejoice! Convention?


I am a disciple in Joppa. I make garments and robes. Peter resurrected me.

Who is Dorcas? (also called Tabitha)


These words that I am commanding you today must be on your heart

What is Deuteronomy 6:6?


This category answers Bible questions by topic, has information for all members of the family,  and answers frequently asked questions.

What is Select a TopicThat Interests You?


At this international convention we learned a new song that touched our hearts, discussed this main quality in great detail,  and we truly experienced the joy of conventions. 

What is 2019 Love Never Fails! Convention?


Jesus said to me: " I am the way and the truth and the life." I am called "The Twin." Jesus said to me: "See my hands."

Who is Thomas? 

(sometimes referred to as doubting Thomas)


...And he reads His law in an undertone day and night. He will be like a tree planted by streams of water....

What is Psalm 1:2, 3?


This main category of JW Broadcasting has videos for subcategories for our midweek meetings, sample conversations, and improving our skills in the ministry.

What is Our Meetings and Ministry?


This convention taught us to hang on despite our imperfections or prolonged sickness, to let go of unnecessary burdens, and we remembered the wife of Lot.

What is 2017 Don't Give Up! Convention?


I am the first high priest in Israel. My rod budded when I was chosen as high priest. On another occasion my rod became a snake.

Who is Aaron?


...how pleasant it is for brothers to dwell together in unity!

What is Psalm 133:1?


This category of JW Broadcasting has short videos that discuss the Daily Text, Special Programs throughout our worldwide territory, as well as Gilead Graduations, Annual Meetings, and Conventions.

What is Programs and Events?


At this Convention we learned to imitate Joshua, Caleb, and Jeremiah. We learned this special quality from animal creation like lions, horses, and hummingbirds. Although reluctant at first, Jonah developed this quality and preached to the Ninevites.

2018 Be Courageous! Convention.