Chapters 1 &2
Chapters 3 & 4
Chapters 5 & 6
Chapters 7 & 8
Chapters 9 & 10

Which of these four questions, are not associated in the four modes of learning?

What? How? Why? When?



The best state of mind in which to recall information is to be 

A) tense

B) overwhelmed.

C) Relaxed

D) Sleepy

C) Relaxed


Techniques to use before you take a test include all of the following except

A)conducting daily, weekly, and major reviews.

B)relying on previous exams for review.

C)creating review tools like flash cards.

D)taking practice tests, whether from a reserve file in the library or an online resource.

B)relying on previous exams for review.


As explained in Chapter 7, what is NOT one of the four steps in the process of choosing a major?

A)Discover Options
B)Choose quickly
C)Make a Trial Choice
D)Choose again

B)Choose quickly


All of these are general precautions you can take to stay safe at school except

A)Avoid walking alone, especially at night
B)Lock door when you're leaving home
C)Walk alone to your car at night.
D)Plan how to respond to an emergency

C)Walk alone to your car at night.


The Money Monitor/Money Plan is an opportunity to discover how

A) to make money.

B) money flows in and out of your life.

C) to save more money.

D) to spend more money.

B) money flows in and out of your life.


When reading with children around, practice all of the following techniques except 

A)finding a way to ignore your children.

B)selecting TV programs for them to watch that are engaging and educational.

C)planning study breaks that include the children.

D)making the time fun or like a game.

A)finding a way to ignore your children.


The Cornell format of note taking includes a cue column that is used 

A)for the summary statement.

B)for standard abbreviations that do not need explanation.

C)for pictures and diagrams.

D)to list potential questions or key words generated from the note column.

D)to list potential questions or key words generated from the note column.


To avoid misinformation on the Internet, it is best to 

A)examine the site sponsor.
B)use an all-or-nothing approach.
C)look for celebrity endorsement.
D)stick with those who support your own assumptions.

A)examine the site sponsor.


Transferable skills are general abilities that
A)come close to the heart of what we do in our jobs.
B)are gained only by getting advanced degrees.
C)are the categories we would find in a book of occupational titles.
D)Apply across many different content areas

D)Apply across many different content areas


Which of the following is not one of the steps in creating a daily to-do list?

A) Brainstorm tasks.

B)Rate each task with a level of priority.

C)Cross off tasks when they are completed.

D)Monitor your time.

D)Monitor your time.


A technique for staying focused as you read includes 

A)avoiding marathon study sessions by taking short breaks.

B)refraining from writing in your book.

C)blocking out mental pictures that occur while reading.

D)letting your mind wander.

A)avoiding marathon study sessions by taking short breaks.


When answering multiple choice questions, it is important to

A)answer the question in your head before looking at the choices.
B)guess what would obviously not be an answer.
C)choose the first answer you think is right.
D)look for the most unusual answers.

A)answer the question in your head before looking at the choices.


Master Students should learn to ask good questions because doing so 

A)helps improve relationships with friends, coworkers, and teachers.
B)leads to a simple, single solution to problems.
C)proves that the facts you know for certain are always correct.
D)frustrates teachers.

A)helps improve relationships with friends, coworkers, and teachers.


Health is 

A)something you have at birth
B)a choice you make with each thought and behavior
C)available only with medical treatment
D)available only with a good health insurance plan

B)a choice you make with each thought and behavior


C priority items in an ABC task list are tempting to complete first because they

are often small, easy tasks with no real set timelines.


When reading difficult material, your understanding of it can be improved by 

A)reading the material while relaxed on your bed.

B)waiting to ask questions until you have finished reading.

C)finding and reading another book on the subject, even if that book is intended for younger readers.

D)marking the margin with the letter S and closing the book for some sleep.

C)finding and reading another book on the subject, even if that book is intended for younger readers.


Predicting test questions can do more than get you a better grade. It can also

A)keep you focused on the purpose of a course.
B)eliminate the need to study.
C)remind you to celebrate mistakes.
D)help you manage job stress and save lots of time.

A)keep you focused on the purpose of a course.


In any discussion there is always a sender and a(n) 



According to the American College Health Association, what percentage of college students report having felt so depressed that it was difficult to function?

A)51 Percent
B)13 Percent
C)15 Percent
D)31 Percent

D)31 Percent


The VAK system incorporates three styles or sensory modes of learning that include

visual, auditory, and kinesthetic.


Name at least 3 of Howard Gardner's multiple intelligences (there are 8).

Verbal/Linguistic, mathematical/logical, visua/spatial, bodily/kinesthetic, musical/rhythmic, intrapersonal, interpersonal, or Naturalist. 


Effective note taking consists of three parts:

observing, recording, and reviewing.


The four Ps to problem solving are

define the problem, generate possibilities, create a plan, and perform the plan.


Name an example of a work content skill?

example: knowing Excel, microsoft word, etc