Gilded Age
Progressive Era
Civil Rights
Age of Empire
Post WW II

owned U.S. Steel and used Vertical integration to monopolize the steel industry. Gave millions to build libraries and schools.

Andrew Carnegie


attempt to stop patronage and political scandal, required government employees to pass a Civil Service Exam

Pendelton Civil Service Act


(1954) Supreme Court decision overturned Plessy v. Ferguson. Supreme Court ruled that all public schools should be desegregated with all deliberate speed. "Separate can never be equal."

Brown vs Board of Education


We should spread the American culture to the less fortunate. It would provide more jobs, supply raw materials, and provide much-needed navy bases. It would also open up new markets for businesses - a strong sense of nationalism.

Imperialism (Hawaii, Alaska, Puerto Rico, Guam, Philippines)


the United States policy was designed to keep Communism from spreading after WW II.



the light bulb is his most famous invention, he also invented the phonograph and the first motion pictures.

Thomas Edison


a political movement for the common people. The government should own the railroads. Bimetallism, workers should have an 8-hour workday and better benefits. William Jennings Bryan - Cross of Gold Speech



(1957) Central High School in Little Rock, Arkansas. Nine African-American students became the first to attend. Ernest Green was the first to graduate. The 101st Airborne had to be sent in to escort the students to class.

Little Rock 9


(1898) Explosion of the USS Maine in Havana Harbor, Battle of San Juan Hill - Teddy Roosevelt, the Philippines, Cuba, Yellow Fever, US support of Imperialism.

Spanish American War


this resolution was passed by Congress giving President Lyndon Johnson authority to escalate U.S. involvement in Vietnam after the USS Maddox and USS Turner Joy was said to have been fired on by North Vietnamese gunboats.

Gulf of Tonkin


the belief that the strongest societies will survive. This idea was also used to justify monopolies and trusts. If a business is meant to survive - it will. Laissez - Faire: government should keep out of business limit regulations.

social darwinism-survival of the fittest


created the Hull House to help the inner-city poor. Provided health care, and education to those in need.

Jane Addams


the federal government was given the power to force local officials to allow African-Americans the right to vote. (literacy tests, poll taxes and grandfather clauses were made illegal)

Voting Act 1965


idea that the United States should get involved in world affairs



The plan to rebuild Europe after WW II to avoid the spread of communism. The U.S. spent billions in war torn countries. Secretary of State George Marshall felt that stronger countries could avoid falling to communism.

Marshall Plan


What invention help bring an end to the open range?

barbed wire


(18th Amendment) illegal to manufacture, distribute, or possess any type of alcoholic beverage (distilled spirits). The Noble Experiment. Opened the door for organized crime (Al Capone), bootleggers, and smuggling.

Prohibition (18th Amendment)


founded the Tuskeegee Institute an all-black farming college. He believed that African-Americans would gain economic equality before they would gain social equality. He was the first African-American to dine at the White House (Invited by Teddy Roosevelt)

Booker T. Washington


the idea that the United States should avoid involvement in world affairs. The quote from George Washington inspired this belief, "avoid foreign entanglements.



United States C-54 cargo planes transported needed supplies into the city of Berlin after Stalin ordered the roadways and waterways into the city sealed off. (food, fuel, medicine, etc.)

Berlin Airlift


an attempt by the US Government to Americanize the Native Americans. Divided reservations into small family-sized plots of land.

Dawes Act


(19th Amendment) Women gained the right to vote with the passage in 1920. The Perfect 36, at the time of passage, the number of states was 48. 3/4ths of the states had to pass a proposed amendment before it would be added to the Constitution. Tennessee became the 36th state to ratify the 19th Amendment.

Suffrage Movement


founded the NAACP (National Association for the Advancement of Colored People) believed that African-Americans should fight for equality and demand respect.

W.E.B. DeBois


President Teddy Roosevelt helped Panama gain independence from Columbia (created a revolution). The United States completed the job that France was unable to finish. This feat greatly increased the power of the Navy by linking the Atlantic and the Pacific. The distance of travel (New York to San Francisco) was shortened by several thousand miles. The United States would now control shipping in the Western Hemisphere.

Panama Canal


Military alliance formed by the United States and allies to provide security in the event of an attack by the USSR.