Who is the most recent Vice President?
Kamala Harris
True or False: there is LEGO Star Trek.
True or False: you can only mine wood with an axe.
Is the card game called Slapjack or Flipjack?
How is Aang 112 years old?
He froze himself in an ice ball for 100 years
How many presidents have there been?
46, including Joe Biden
How do you beat Minecraft?
By beating The Ender Dragon
How many rounds are in Liverpool Rummy?
Seven rounds
Who were Aang's bending teachers?
Airbending: the monks
Waterbending: Katara
Earthbending: Toph
Firebending: Zuko
What is the only election ever to be a tie?
The election of 1800, or the third election
How many pieces is Ninjago City Gardens, rounded to the nearest 1,000?
6,000 pieces
What does the Wither drop (besides XP)?
A Nether Star
How much life do you get in Yu-Gi-Oh/Magic: The Gathering? (bonus 100 points if you can guess how much life you get in Pokémon, but if you are wrong, negative 100 points)
Yu-Gi-Oh!: 8000 Life Points
Magic: The Gathering: 20 Life
Pokémon: 6 Prize Cards
What are the four nations called?
The Northern/Southern Water Tribes, The Earth Kingdom, The Fire Nation, and The Air Nation.
Who were the first five presidents? (first and last name)
George Washington, John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, and James Monroe
What is the biggest LEGO set? (bonus 200 points if you guess the piece count rounded to the nearest 100, but if you are wrong, negative 200 points)
The LEGO World Map, at 11695 pieces (11700 rounded)
How much XP does The Ender Dragon drop?
12,000 XP
how many cards do you get in your starting hand in Yu-Gi-Oh!/Magic: The Gathering/Pokémon?
Yu-Gi-Oh!: 5 cards
Magic: The Gathering: 7 cards
Pokémon: 7 cards
What are the first two sentences of the intro of Avatar: the Last Airbender? (Bonus 500 points if you can recite the whole intro, but if you are wrong, negative 500 points)
Long ago, the four nations lived together in harmony. Then, everything changed when the Fire Nation attacked.
BONUS: Only the Avatar, master of all four elements, could stop them. But when the world needed him most, he vanished. A hundred years passed and my brother and I discovered the new Avatar, an airbender named Aang. And although his airbending skills are great, he has a lot to learn before he's ready to save anyone. But I believe Aang can save the world.
Which president had two separate terms?
Grover Cleaveland
How many pieces is the smallest LEGO set (besides minifigures only)?
13 pieces, the LEGO Atlantis Manta Warrior
what are the Minecraft controls for forward, left, right, and backwards for the computer?
W to go forward, A to go left, S to go right, and D to go backwards.
What are all the rounds in Liverpool Rummy? (Bonus 100 points if you can guess the twist in round seven, but if you are wrong, negative 100 points)
1: 2 sets
2: 1 set + 1 run
3: 2 runs
4: 3 sets
5: 2 sets + 1 run
6: 1 set + 2 runs
7: 3 runs (you have to meld your entire hand)
How does The Avatar Cycle go, from first element to last?
Air, Water, Earth, Fire