unit 1
unit 2
unit 3
unit 4
unit 5


care for and encourage the growth or development of



 able to withstand or recover quickly from difficult conditions



deeply upset and agitated



keeping careful watch for possible danger or difficulties



prepared to obey others unquestioningly.


Which sentence best states a central idea in “Household Robots Are Here, but Where Are They Going?” 

The most promising use for robots in the near future is as smart home hubs.


Which idea from “Hackers: The Internet’s Immune System” supports the presenter’s claim that the world is a better place because of hackers?

Once hackers obtain crucial information, they share it with the public, so that everyone is aware of what is actually happening behind closed doors.


Read the excerpt from “How Much Can Electric Cars Impact Climate Change?”

Just two months before international climate talks begin in Paris, a new report from energy and environmental groups predicts greenhouse gases can plunge 77 percent in 2050 by electrifying more than half the nation’s cars, trucks and forklifts.

What text structure is used in the excerpt?



Which option best states a theme of the Declaration of Independence?

The colonies’ claim for independence is legitimate.


Read the excerpt from the article “Bias in the Media.”

Consider the ideas of Walter Lippman, one of the most influential journalists of the 20th century. Beginning his career as a reporter, Lippman later became a speechwriter, a magazine and newspaper editor, an author, a Pulitzer Prize winner, and one of the most widely respected political journalists in the world. Lippman was born in 1889 and so came of age as a journalist as World War I unfolded. He became disillusioned with what he saw as the “error, illusion, and misinterpretation” of news reporting during war time. He critiqued the tendency of the press to present propaganda as truth and referred to this practice as the “manufacture of consent.”

Which option most accurately explains how inductive reasoning is used to convey the argument that journalists were engaging in the “manufacture of consent”?

Inductive reasoning is used to show what Walter Lippman discovered based on his observations of “error, illusion, and misinterpretation” in the reporting of news.


 Which of the options below has the following definiton: giving an unliving or un humane thing human characteristics.



what does central ideas in information text mean?

The central idea or main idea of the text is the main theme around which the topic revolves. The central idea tells you a lot about the text. It gives you knowledge and information regarding the topic.


What are 5 different types of text structures?

 description, sequence, cause and effect, compare and contrast, and problem and solution


what is the rhetorical presidency?

The rhetorical presidency is both a structural theory and a theory of how presidents communicate in the media age. It draws from political science, history and communication studies. Tulis delineates the historical arc of presidential rhetoric in the United States as having three stages: the "Old Way", the "Middle Way" and the "New Way".


why is punctuation used?

Using punctuation in your writing helps the reader to clearly understand the message that is being conveyed


Which option contains the correct meaning of the prefix mis- as it is used in the word misconception?

in an improper manner


Read the excerpt from “Confessions of a Depressed Comic.”

We all know what it is to have pain in our heart, and we all know how important it is to heal. But right now, depression is society’s deep cut that we’re content to put a Band-Aid over and pretend it’s not there.

Which options show examples of figurative language used in the excerpt?

Select all that apply.

Confessions of a Depressed Comic

But right now, depression is society’s deep cut

we’re content to put a Band-Aid over


Read the sentence from “President Kennedy’s Moon Speech.”

It is for these reasons that I regard the decision last year to shift our efforts in space from low to high gear as among the most important decisions that will be made during my incumbency in the office of the Presidency.

If your younger brother, Pete, asked you what “my incumbency in the office of the Presidency” meant, what would you most likely say to him?

Select all that apply.

  • You would say, “Pete, the best place to find the meaning of the word incumbency is the dictionary. Go look it up!”You would say, “Pete, the best place to find the meaning of the word , incumbency, is the dictionary. Go look it up!”
  • You would say, “Pete, ‘the office of the Presidency’ is a context clue for the meaning of the word incumbency. That clue will help you understand the word!”

Read the passage.

The youth group members are baking cookies tonight they plan to sell them at a bake sale. To raise money for the local food bank.

Which options show ways to revise the passage and make it correct?

Select all that apply.

  • The youth group members are baking cookies tonight. They plan to sell them at a bake sale to raise money for the local food bank.The youth group members are baking cookies tonight. They plan to sell them at a bake sale to raise money for the local food bank.
  • The youth group members are baking cookies tonight, and they plan to sell them at a bake sale to raise money for the local food bank

Which statements about the roots of the word subservient are incorrect?

Select all that apply.

  • The words servant and subservient do not share a root.The words , servant, and , subservient, do not share a root.
  • The word subservient contains the root “servus,” which means “eat.”

Reread the section called “Correcting Misconceptions” from the article “Going Dark.”

Which options correctly analyze the speaker’s ideas about solving the encryption issue?

Select all that apply.

  • Court orders and legal processes can be used for lawful interception of encrypted data or to force access to data that has been encrypted.Court orders and legal processes can be used for lawful interception of encrypted data or to force access to data that has been encrypted.
  • Designers can use a front-door approach to build a lawful intercept solution into an encryption system, or to create a way to access data that has been encrypted.

Reread the section called “The Challenge of Going Dark” from the article “Going Dark.”

Which option best describes what the speaker most likely sees as a way to address the current limitations on lawful authority?

Going Dark: Are Technology, Privacy, and Public Safety on a Collision Course?

revision of the Communications Assistance for Law Enforcement Act


Read the sentence.

Hui Yin’s little brother tried to delude her into thinking that he lost his baseball glove, but she knew it was probably in his locker at school.

Which is the best synonym of the word delude as used in this sentence?



Read the excerpt from “How Much Can Electric Cars Impact Climate Change?,” which discusses Southern California Edison’s role in making charging stations available.

Edison has asked the California Public Utilities Commission to authorize the utility to partner with private companies to build 30,000 electric-vehicle public charging stations in Southern California. The application may be approved this year, he said.

What option best describes the text structure implied in the excerpt?

How Much Can Electric Cars Impact Climate Change?



Which responses explain why “The National Organization for Women’s 1966 Statement of Purpose” is considered a work of public advocacy?

Select all that apply.

  • It was written by a citizen working to improve America.It was written by a citizen working to improve America.
  • It represents the views of a group that promotes equality for all.It represents the views of a group that promotes equality for all.
  • It was published to inform the general public.