What the 3 sides to the health triangle?
Physical Health
Social Health
Mental and Emotional Health
What is your identity?
Who you are.
What is Self-Esteem?
How you FEEL about yourself
What are Emotions?
The moods or feelings you experience
What is Gratitude?
Showing appreciation
What is Physical Health?
The state of being free from illness or disease
What are the 4 aspects of identity?
List 2 things self esteem can be impacted by
Social Interactions
Life Events
Why can emotional awareness be a challenge?
You might feel positive and negative emotions at the same time
One emotion might hide another emotion
What is empathy?
Putting yourself in someone else's shoes
Understanding the wants, needs and viewpoints of others
What is Social Health?
Having healthy and rewarding relationships.
What are the two aspects of Personal Values?
Personal Beliefs
List 3 ways to build your self-esteem
Eat Healthy
Get Sleep
Physically Active
Spend time with positive people
Make lists of your skills and abilities
Make a list of activities you enjoy
Do or say something nice
Focus on your strengths and look to improve your weaknesses
When expressing your feelings you should AVOID?
"You" Statements
What was the example of Optimism I used?
What is Mental and Emotional Health?
a state of well-being in which you realize your own abilities, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully, and is able to make a contribution to his or her community
What is Self Image?
Your mental picture of yourself
What is Confidence?
Emotional Intelligence is when you are able to?
Understand, control and express your emotions
Sense the emotions of others
What is Optimism?
looking at the bright side, staying positive
Having a strong family dynamic
Having positive Friendships
List 4 things included in your self image
skills and abilities
What is the difference between Self-Image and Self-esteem.
Self-Image is a mental picture of how you SEE yourself
Self-Esteem is how you FEEL about yourself
What are the 3 steps to controlling your emotions
1. Identify your feelings
2. Accept your feelings
3. Express your feelings
What is Resilance?
The ability to bounce back!