Lists to remember
Shiz about hegemonies
violence by non state actors

3 mechanisms of socialization: 

1. Normative persuation (ideological persuasion and indoctrination) 

2. External inducement (economic and military incentive) 

3. Internal reconstruction (hegemon directly intervenes and transforms domestic/political institutions) 


What is the hegemonic solution to collective action problems?

The hegemon has the resources ot ensure everyone contributes their fair share. 

4 strategies OF terrorism 

1. Coercion

2. Provocation 

3. Spoiling 

4. Outbidding 

What are the 3 forms of anarchy, which paradigm are they endorsed by and what do they mean?

Hobbesian anarchy (realism) --> allows for least amount of cooperation, thinks of states as competitive actors 

Lockean anarchy (neoliberal institutionalism) --> sees states as acting out of self interest

Hobbesian anarchy (constructivism)  --> allows for most amount of cooperation, sees states as having collective interests 


International stability under anarchy can be achieved with:

balance-of-power systems, concert systems, collective security 


What is the hegemonic stability theory?

A theory that state  the international system is more stable when there is a hegemon (unipolarity)

Four strategies against terrorism:

1. Detterence 

2. Criminalization 

3. Preemptive offense 

4. Negotiation & compromise 


What is the "margin of appreciation" 

It was created by the European Court of Human Rights to be able to prosecute against human rights violations 

The severity of collective action problems are impacted by:

size, organization, and resources


3 preconditions associated with the outbreak of hegemonic war: 

1. intensification of conflict among states

2. perception that a fundamental historical change is taking place (gnawing fear/anxiety)

3. Court of events begin to escape human control 


What contributes to decision to use terrorism: 

1. Time constaints (eagerness) 

2. Financial support 

3. Technological advances (weapons, transport, etc)

4. Strategic innovation


In a world of bandwagoning, threats and aggression are __1 ___, and in a world of balancers, threats and aggressions are __2___.  

1. rewarded 

2. punished 


The chances of breaking terms of an alliance is lessend when:

1. States have links that were formed during war

2. there is a vivid memory of the costs of war

3. eruption of internal stresses

4. negotiations happen


What basis of prestige does the hegemon sit on?

1. Victory of the last hegemonic war and ability to enforce its power 

2. Rule of dominant power is accepted by other state (and is considered legitimate) 


Why do rebel groups fight civil wars

1. Grievances (mistreatment, systemic discrimination, or self-determination)

2. Greed (control over resources/statE) 


Cognitive limits of rationality

1. Cognitive dissonance

2. Egocentric bias and fundamental attribution error 


Two main constraints on the transformation of identity through the evolution of cooperation:

1. process is incremental and slow 

2. evolution of cooperation presupposes that actors don't identify negatively with each other 


Hegemony through realist perspective vs. constructivist perspective:

According to realism: the hegemon is dominant, prestige consists of reputation for hard power and the stability of the hegmonic order depends on the stability of the hegemon 

According to constructivism: the hegemon has "legitimate" domination; they are accepted by the international system, and the hegemonic order does not depend on the stability of the hegemon i.e. order could outlive the hegemon 


what is the shape of terrorism and the actors involved of each other them? 

Triangular: terrorists, civilians (direct target), and the indirect target (typically government) 


What is the mixed motive utility function?

Utility = V - K(W - V) = V + K(V - W)

V - state's payoff

W - rival's payoff 

K - sensitivity to payoff gaps 

the greater k is the more positional the state is