Create a new category
What is CyberArk and SharePoint?
Approver needs another approver added to an existing category
What is possible upon request (without additional approval)?
Reason approver does not see email
What is a missing category?
Who is an approver?
What is an Outlook delay?
Find a template created by user
What is a search?
Formatting error examples
What is any punctuation, other than the
Add "From"/"Reply to"
What is SharePoint?
User wants to be an approver
What requires approver authorization?
Unable to locate button to Approve
What is Ctrl F -> Approve?
What is Scrolling?
To remove spacing
What is delete and soft return?
Distribution lists can be copied from these software applications/file types
What is any Microsoft Office product?
New Mailbox Needed
User wants a new category
What requires authorization?
Common cause of the Nintex_Approval_WF workflow has ended unexpectedly for this category
What is a non-employee approver
The retention span of templates and images
What is 13 months?
Field entered when user wants to cc someone
What is the Additional Recipients field?
Rename an existing category
What is SharePoint?
User wants us to send
What may be possible upon request?
Unable to parse specified email addresses.
What is a bad address?
User cannot scroll down
What are the arrow keys?
User needs recipients converted from Network IDs to Email addresses
What is flash fill?
Name of Application Developer (Run Team)
Who is Prabhakar Iyer?
Delete a draft created by user or CorpComm team
What is possible upon request (without additional approval)?
Location to solve key issues
What is Troubleshooting Wiki in Mass Email Connections community?
Hide a template
What is impossible?
Maximum number of recipients
What is infinity and beyond?