Chap.1 (Intro)
Chap.2 (Perception)
Chap.3 (Verbal)
Chap.4 (Nonverbal)
Chap.5 (Listening)
Chap.6-7 (Interpersonal)
Chap.8 (Culture)
Chap.9-11 (SPCHS)
Chaps.13-14 (Groups)

This is referred to as speaking well and persuasively.

What is Rhetoric?


These are factors that influence our perception.

What are Physiology, Gender, Culture, Past experiences, and Current experiences?


This is used to create identities.

What is Language?


Pitch, rate, volume, and pauses are examples of this.

What is paralanguage?


When you rephrase information.

What is paraphrasing?


This is inevitable in close relationships, can take a toll, but can help develop them.

What is Conflict?


Businesses are spending millions of dollars on this type of training that helps employees/ers understand and incorporate diverse thoughts/experiences/perceptions.

What is Diversity Training?


These visually help enhance messages.

What are visual aids?


Sharing a common goal, fate, and needing each other to achieve the goal.

What is Interdependent?


This form of communication takes place internally or reflectively.

What is Intrapersonal communication?


This term is used when we retrieve stored information to help us understand new experiences.

What is Schemata?


The "black is beautiful" and "queer" movements helped empower such groups.

What is Reclaiming identities?


There are more interpretations of nonverbal communication due to this.

What is ambiguity?


We evaluate information to accept, reject, or withhold judgement until we have more information.

What is Critical listening?


Many think that this is a way to not communicate conflict.  Sarcasm, joking, or being passive-aggressive are ways to address this kind of conflict.

What is Avoiding?


Due to science finding that we all share 99.9% of DNA, race is seen as this, instead.

What is Social construct?


Delivery methods have their advantages and challenges.  This one you used in class.

What is an Extemporaneous speech?


These characteristics are needed to have better performance or outcomes.

What is Synergy?


The following example falls under this type of social phenomenon:

A professor walks into work with a ripped up sweatshirt, baseball cap, and a large chain around the neck and gets raised eyebrows by colleagues.

What is Social Norms?

Social rules tend to be explicit and consequences follow if we break rules while social norms tend to be observed and formal consequences don't usually follow breaking them.


People who do not adapt to new situations or use dated information tend to create problems.  For example, making racist or sexist jokes are no longer socially acceptable, but some people still make them.  

This is what will help guide us in new situations.

What is Revision of our Schemata?


Terms such as, "This is fire," "Cool," "Peace out," and  "Bestie" help us understand relationships, overcome taboo terms, and be part of the in-group.

What is slang?


Making eye contact, smiling, and friendly touches help create rapport with others.

What is Immediacy behaviors?


This is what distinguishes "Eavesdropping" from "Overhearing."

What is A planned attempt to secretly listen to an intentionally private conversation.


This kind of culture encourages competition in conflict.

What is individualistic culture?


Cross-cultural studies helped us understand that this is a social and cultural construct of how we categorize people based on masculine and feminine traits

What is Gender?


"Reproductive autonomy should be a law that is protected by the federal government."  This statement is an example of this type of proposition.

What is Proposition of Policy?


We need this to broaden our perspectives.

What is Diversity?


Students tend to be more confident, have higher GPA, and less likely to drop out of school when they take this type of academic course.

What is a Communication course?


This phenomenon happens when we create more negative words to describe a sexually liberated woman than a man.

What is a Double-standard, sexist stereotype?

Both negative and positive stereotypes are schemata that can devalue people, ignore differences, and create double standards.  


Language used to show a person's feelings and have others feel them as well.  For example, "This is fun!"

What is Affective language?


This is a phenomenon in which when you raise your voice, the other person raises their voice.

What is Mirroring?


A 'pivot' or 'one-upping' is done by this particular type of listener.  

What is Narcissistic listening?


When an employee sabatoges a project, gets caught, and resigns and the manager does not address it with the person.

What is Saving face?


Distinguishing 'doctors' from 'female doctors,' discouraging men from accepting lower paying jobs such as nursing or teaching, stressing women to enter 'feminine' jobs, creating and maintaining more negative language to describe women as well as uphold double-standards, and inciting hateful messages of feminists are examples of empowering men and disempowering women.

What is Patriarchy?


This phenomenon occurs when a person tries to keep all parties happy by not being objective of the argument.

What is Neutrality Bias?

This happens when we lack critical evaluation due to wanting to get along or conform to pressure.

What is Groupthink?


This term is used when someone states, "I'm not bias."

What is Unconscious incompetence?

1. Unconscious incompetence

2. Conscious incompetence

3. Conscious competence

4. Unconscious competence


The following is of this particular list.

1. Describe the behavior/situation without judging.

2. Think of possible interpretations of the behavior.

3. Verify what happened & ask for clarification from the other person.

What are Steps of Perception Checking?


These are conclusions based on speculation/thoughts.

For example, "My teacher grades unfairly."

What are inferences?

Facts are conclusions based on direct observation.

For example, "I received an F on my test."

This kind of orientation occurs when it is acceptable to be late to an appointment because a relationship was being developed.

What is polychronic?


One pays close attention to nonverbal cues to be more effective listeners in this type of context.

What is High context?


Logan shares a devastating story about their past and Pat feels the need to to do this as well. 

What is Self-disclose?


Wanting and working toward a more equitable world for all people and the effort to understand the complex intersecting identities that are privileged and disadvantaged is the work of this.

What is Intersectional Feminism?


This kind of appeal is used to scare people, but it must be relevant and supported by evidence.  

What is the Fear appeal?


This method is not only used to avoid Groupthink, but it is also used to help evaluate personal behaviors and avoid making future mistakes.

What is reflection?