Number Songs
Three Cheers
G Whiz

This is a Beatles tune: “[number] Days a Week.”

Answer: What is “Eight”? According to Paul McCartney, the title came from his chauffeur. The chauffeur told him that he had been working hard—eight days a week. Later, it was claimed that Ringo Starr came up with the title.


This Osmond brother was a teen heartthrob in the 1970s.

Answer: Who is Donny? He had an Ipana smile. Do you remember those Ipana commercials?


Before a child learns to ride a bike, they might ride this cycle with three wheels.

Answer: What is a tricycle? After the tricycle, the child might try training wheels on the bike.


Martinis are best mixed with this method.

Answer: What is shaking/stirring? Stirring the martini chills it; shaking it chills it and changes the texture.


Records set for all sorts of things appear in this popular book.

Answer: What is Guinness World Records (or The Guinness Book of Records as it was called until 1999)? The compendium has been published annually since 1955, and it has been translated into more than 20 languages.


This Clovers tune was covered by the Searchers in 1965: “Love Potion No. [number].”

Answer: What is 9? The original album version ends with, “I had so much fun that I’m going back again; I wonder what happens with Love Potion No.10!”


After Saturday Night Fever, this male lead became a heartthrob.

Answer: Who is John Travolta? Before the film, he was Vinnie Barbarino on Welcome Back, Kotter.


The primary colors—red, yellow, and blue—combine to make this group of colors.

Answer: What are secondary colors? The three secondary colors are purple, green, and orange. For example, green is made by combining blue and yellow.


Cherries, olives, orange slices, etc. added to a drink as a flourish for presentation purposes are called this.

Answer: What is garnish? It’s the same idea as adding fresh, whole herbs to a dinner plate


This is sisters Ava and Zsa Zsa’s last name.

Answer: What is Gabor? They immigrated from Hungary to the United States with their father and their sister Magda during World War II. Their mother immigrated a year after they did.


When going on field trips or camping trips, kids sing this tune about bottles of beer on the wall, and it starts with this number.

Answer: What is 99? The whole song goes, “99 bottles of beer on the wall, 99 bottles of beer, take one down, pass it around, 98 bottles of beer of the wall.” Then you start over with 98 and continue until you reach zero.


This cute member of the Monkees with the last name Jones also appears on The Brady Brunch.

Answer: Who is Davy? His Beatles haircut was a bit longer in the back. He plays a love interest of Marsha on The Brady Bunch.


“On the third day of Christmas, my true love gave to me {this gift}".

Answer: What is French? There is no French hen breed. The 1864 wording was “fat hens.”


Vermouth can be sweet or this.

Answer: What is dry? Dry vermouth is usually made from white wine, and sweet vermouth is usually made from red wine. One exception is Campari—it’s made from red wine, but it’s bitter.


This American actress became Princess of Monaco.

Answer: Who is Grace Kelly? Her official title was princess consort. She married Prince Rainier in 1956 and had to give up her acting career and American citizenship. The prince banned her films in Monaco.


Jimmy Buffett’s song “A Pirate Looks at [this age]” is about a real pirate he met when he first arrived in Key West.

Answer: What is 40? Buffett released “A Pirate Looks at 40” when he was 27 years old.


Shirley MacLaine’s brother was a heartthrob and confirmed bachelor until he married Annette Bening.

Answer: Who is Warren Beatty? He stars in Bonnie and Clyde along with Faye Dunaway and Gene Hackman.


Snap! Crackle! Pop!” is the slogan associated with this breakfast cereal .

Answer: What is Rice Krispies? Snap, Crackle, and Pop are three little elf characters that have been used in Rice Krispies marketing since the 1930s.


When someone orders scotch or other liquor served on the rocks, they are asking for it to be served this way.

Answer: What is with ice? However, if someone says their relationship is “on the rocks,” it means it is failing and may soon end.


This slang term for the U.S. dollar reflects its color.

Answer: What is greenback? The first U.S. dollars were issued during the Civil War, and the backs of the bills were printed in green.


Paul Simon wrote the hit “[number] Ways to Leave Your Lover.”

Answer: What is 50? Paul Simon wrote it to teach his son how to rhyme:

Slip out the back, Jack

Make a new plan, Stan

You don’t need to be coy, Roy, just set yourself free.


He is the male lead of the Beach Party movies.

Answer: Who is Frankie Avalon? His tune “Venus” hit No. 1, and he has six additional Top 40 hits.


These three United Kingdom countries are located on the island of Great Britain.

Answer: What are England, Wales, and Scotland? Northern Ireland is also part of the United Kingdom, but it’s on another island.


This generic name for a mixed drink precedes napkin, table, and shaker.

Answer: What is cocktail? Today, everyone calls a mixed drink a cocktail, but the stricter definition of cocktail is “a mix of alcohol and/or liqueurs combined with a mixer [such as soda or juice] and often shaken.” Under the stricter definition, a bourbon and water is a mixed drink, and a whiskey sour is a cocktail


This women’s magazine published by Condé Nast Publications is known for its fashion “Dos and Don’ts.”

Answer: What is Glamour? It was so popular that the phrase “Glamour don’t” crept into the language to mean “a fashion faux pas.” Today, the magazine has expanded its “Dos and Don’ts” to cover topics beyond fashion.