
29. Why did the UK government start the programme SWAP?【2min】

A. To offer the unemployed opportunities to select favorite jobs. 

B. To help people without working certifications.

C. To boost economy recovery from Covid-19.

D. To give job seekers chances to work in hospital.

C. To boost economy recovery from Covid-19.(定位原文第二段倒数第二行)


37. In order to develop these habits, one needs to first acknowledge the fact that they need to improve communication skills from time to time. _______________ 【3min】

C. They need to estimate strengths as well as shortcomings when interacting.(看后面一句话中有提到strengths和shortcomings。)


52. So, he called together a great many foxes and told them to ___________ their tails...【1min】

A. cut up

B. cut off

C. cut in

D. cut down

B. cut off(cut up切碎;cut off切断;cut in插嘴;cut down砍倒,削减)


58. Reaching this goal __________ (require) a sense of responsibility among all residents, which encourages them to start from small steps.【1min】



30. What can we infer about young people under 25s according to Hanash?【3min】

A. They were least influenced by the pandemic.

B. They could do better than what people have expected.

C.They were satisfied with the idea of washing residents.

D. They wanted to stop once thay started the project.

B. They could do better than what people have expected.(定位原文第4段第2、3行,那些25岁以下的求职者并未像最初设想的那样,会因为不好意思而放弃wash residents这种工作,而是坚持做下去了,比预期要做的好。)


39. Today, effective communication skills have become a critical factor even while recruiting employees. _______________ 【3min】

F. While interviewing, most interviewers judge them on the basis of communication skills.(看上一句的emplyees)


44. Key to his storytelling is the fact that he never ________ people. 【3min】


B. features

C. treats

D. protests

B. features(以...为重点,在...中扮演重要角色)


60. Moreover, a sense of collective responsibility among us students contributes to a warm and friendly atmosphere, ________ we respect and help each other.【1min】



27. Where is this text most likely from?

A. A news report.

B. A guidebook.

C. A research paper.

D. A magazine.

D. A magazine.(排除法)


32. What can be implied about the nitrogen fertilizer according to Paragraph 1?【3min】

A. It loses preference of smallholder farmers due to poor quality.

B. It does no harm to the environment.

C. It is gained directly from the land.

D. It is universally used to help crops grow.

D. It is universally used to help crops grow.(排除法,细节题,定位)


53. ..., saying that they would look much better without a tail and would no longer have the ________ of carrying around the weight of its business.【3min】

A. imbalance

B. inconvenience

C. imperfection

D. injustice

B. inconvenience(带着尾巴走路的不方便)


57.People living in the same area should ___________ (consider) a group under a duty to create a comfortable living environment for the whole community.【2min】

be considered被看成(I consider him clever./I consider him to be clever./I consider him a clever man./I consider him to be a clever man.)


21. When we take the tour to Georgia, we can _________.【3min】

A.enjoy the beautiful trees in the countryside

B. visit some famous tourist sites in big cities

C. taste the peace of medieval town in Europe

D. taste the local foods in the restaurants without extra fee

D. taste the local foods in the restaurants without extra fee(第一个小标题最后一行)


35. What attitude does the author hold to the natural nitrogen production?【3min】

A. Optimistic

B. Doubtful

C. Disapproved

D. Unconcerned

A. Optimistic(全文最后一句)


50. ...he seek to think up a plan that would bring all other foxes into a(n) ___________ condition of being tailless. 【3min】

A. terrific

B. exciting

C. similar

D. fantastic

C. similar(他左思右想,想出了一个计划,这个计划能让其它狐狸都能处于一种没有尾巴的相似境地。)


65. In conclusion, a sense of community responsibility is worth developing ____________ it plays a significant role in living, learning and working.【3min】



25. What can we conclude from Paragraph 4?【3min】

A. Dreaming is an abnormal behavior for Dyngo.

B. Dyngo enjoys tearing things up like other dogs.

C. Dyngo always prepares to wait for his owner after a shower.

D. Panting over a pillow is Dyngo's most favorite activity.

B. Dyngo enjoys tearing things up like other dogs.(看原文第四段加排除法)


34. What does the underlined word 'piloting' in Paragraph 3 most nearly mean?【3min】

A. persuading






55. The MORAL of this fable tells us: Misery ________ company.【3min】

A. hates

B. suspects

C. loses

D. loves

D. loves(从故事的主旨大意来猜测,不幸的人总希望别人也有相同的遭遇。)


62. After we graduate from college and get __________ (employ), we will find ourselves in a new community made up of collegues.【2min】

employed(get employed被雇佣,得到雇佣)