This was the party of the liberal bourgeoisie, who advocated for reforms prior to the Revolution
What are the Constitutional Democrats, or Kadets?
(almost) all birds are these
The ISA section for Brazil, it works as a tendency within PSOL, the socialism and Libery Party.
What is LSR? (Liberdade, Socialismo e Revolução)
The revolutionary class of the French Revolution
What is the bourgeoisie?
“Fringed Chiseler” - Radicalized by Manchester factory working conditions
Who is Freidrich Engles?
He became prime minister in the Provisional Government in July 1917 and was forced to flee in October when he could not find any loyal troops
Who is Alexander Kerensky?
It means to postpone this item on the agenda for later
What is a table?
This ISA section just held its National Congress in Lagos, Nigeria.
What is MSA? (Movement for a Socialist Alternative)
Author of Global Warning: Socialism and the Environment
Who is Bill Hopwood?
“Rilled Minivan” - Birth name Ulyanov
Who is Vladimir Lenin?
An American journalist wrote this is a famous eye-witness account of the October Revolution
What is 10 Days that Shook the World by John Reed?
A temporary storage area where material cut or copied from a digital file is kept for pasting into another file
What is a clipboard?
They couldn’t call themselves SA because of that acronym's disturbing historical connotations
What is SAV? (Sozialistische Alternative)
Leader of the Communist Party of Canada from 1929 until 1962
Who is Tim Buck?
“Draft Phenom” - Famously brokered a class-conscious non-aggression pact among Chicago’s race-based street gangs.
Who is Fred Hampton?
At this historic event delegates passed the declaration on peace, the decree on land, and approved the first workers’ and peasants’ government, called the Council of People’s Commissars
What is the second All-Russian congress of Soviets?
A chamber for holding a supply of cartridges to be fed automatically to the breech of a gun
What is a magazine?
This ISA section held a summer school this year with 80 members in Carinthia, Austria
What is SLP? (Sozialistische LinksPartei)
As of this fall, Canada has 53 of these.
What are billionaires?
“Antlike Czar” - she edited the SPD women's newspaper Die Gleichheit (Equality)
Who is Clara Zetkin?
A blank shot from this cruiser from the harbour in Petrograd marked the beginning of the capturing of the Winter Palace
What is the Aurora?
Someone who regular comments and shares memes on social media
What is a poster?
The acronym for this ISA section has a completely different meaning to english-speakers in the United States and Canada
What is WASP? (Worker and Socialist Party)
Marx said "Men make their own history, but they do not make it as they please… The tradition of all dead generations weighs like a nightmare on the brains of the living"
What is The Eighteenth Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte?
“Hazarded Kayak Puns” - In a meeting of the united opposition she said “if Lenin were still alive, he would be in prison”.
Who is Nadezhda Krupskaya?