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Youtube rewind 2018
Skyfall from James Bond was sang by?
An Australian cake made from squares of butter cake or sponge cake coated in an outer layer of chocolate sauce and rolled in desiccated coconut.
The name of the dog with is the face of a coin and many meme
Naked Humanoid monster attack a walled city
Attack on Titan
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We Sing. We Dance. We Steal Things. was which artist’s highest selling album because of the 2008 song ‘I’m Yours’?
Jason Mraz
To describe a female in Australia
who can't you see once they wave their hand
John Cena
The most read hentai on nhentai?
Joshi Kōsei Rich Thots
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Butter by Bts
Justin Timberlake wrote what 2002 hit after breaking up with Britney Spears?
Cry me a River
In the oringal concept of Pepe the Frog what was he saying?
Feels good man
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Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood
The music video that held the most viewed video for 1,689 days
Gangnam Style
Who was the youngest Beatle?
George Harrison
Australia's Longest River
Murry River
The name of Grumpy Cat
Tardar Sauce
Highest episode count for an anime
a web series from June 16, 2006 to August 1, 2008, that followed the life of girl.
First song that BTS released
No More Dream
The city with the highest ICE usage in Australia of all time
The gorilla who gained international recognition after this death, was named?