Mindfulness is about paying attention to what you're doing in the _______ moment.
True or false: Distress tolerance skills should be used when you are in a "crisis situation."
True. Using these skills can help you to later use Emotional Regulation skills.
Myth or fact: Negative feelings are bad
Myth! "Negative" emotions can help guide us and are healthy for us to feel them.
DBT and CBT both have the same "B." What does "B" stand for?
What is mindfulness?
Mindfulness is a non-judgmental acceptance and awareness of this present moment.
Name 3 Distress Tolerance coping skills.
Self-soothing (Soothe thru the Senses), under the scanner, deep breathing, distraction (Wise Mind ACCEPTS), IMPROVE, Radical Acceptance
True or false: Pushing away means you push your feelings aside and hope they go away.
False: Nope, it's pushing it away for a moment and coming back to it when the intensity of the feeling decreases.
True or False: DBT stands for Diabolical Behavioral Therapy.
False: It stands for Dialectical Behavioral Therapy
True or false: Mindfulness can reduce physical pain.
What happens when you refuse to accept reality?
You just end up wasting energy on "what's not fair" instead of moving on with your life and adapting to what's happening.
The first Emotional Regulation skill you use when you're feeling strong emotions and trying to figure what to do.
Check the facts. Another way to look at it is "Seeing the Bigger Picture."
Dialectical thinking means:
Two or more opposing things can be true at the same time.
There are 3 "Minds" in DBT: Emotion mind, Rational mind, and ______ mind
True or False: Radical acceptance means you should be ok with the thing you're accepting.
False: you can radically accept something and not like it at the same time.
A skill that helps you be effective and that occurs when you behave differently than your emotion tells you to.
Opposite Action
Give an example of dialectical thinking.
I am doing the best I can AND I need to try harder.
What is a good time to practice mindfulness?
Any time you want, even when things are mellow. It can reduce distress when you're upset or strengthen your skills in neutral events.
Name two distraction/diversion skills
Do something for someone else, distract with a positive memory, distract by counting or listing items, reading, playing games, watching a movie, complete a chore, listening to music
What is PLEASE?
Physical illness, balanced Eating, Avoid mood altering substances, balanced Sleep, get Exercise
True or false: DBT teaches you skills to improve interactions with other people.
True. There is a whole module focused just on learning healthy interpersonal skills.