Problem Solving
Name a Strategy
Act it Out
Perspective Taking
Conversation Skills

If someone tells you to not sign up for the school musical what could you say?

That isn't fair. Everyone can get a chance to sign up. 


Your friends are all talking really fast! You cannot keep up with the conversation. You start to put your head down on the table. What can you do? 

Ask your friends to go slower, ask them to repeat what they just said etc 


Act out your inner critic when you don't get the part you want in a musical. 

Angry, yelling, quitting on theatre etc. 


You see kids talking in the hallway in a group. Their bodies are close together and they look like they are whispering. Should you go up to them? Why or Why not?

-They may be in a private conversation

-We can tell based on their body language 

-That is not the best time to go up to their group


Is it expected to text your boss with lots of emojis and abbreviations (example : LOL HAHA thats is kewl) 

We have to be more professional when texting our boss! 

example: that is very cool! Thanks! 


Our favorite High School Musical Clip! What is the problem, cause and effect?

Problem - Sharpay is mean

Cause- Because shes insecure 

Effect- Sharpay being mean- made Gabriella lose some confidence, nervous to sign up


You are nervous at school because the class you are in is too hard! What can you do? 

Ask for extra help from a teacher.

Focus on one problem at a time. 

See if other peers can help you study


Act out what your inner coach would say if you didn't get the part you wanted in the school musical. 

Maybe I will get the part next time if I keep practicing! I wonder if I could help the musical by being on stage crew. 


What is a gift you might want to get someone in your family? - Think about their interests! 



When you are texting someone do you have to remind them of your name each time? Or do they already know who the text is from ? 

If you have texted them before they have your phone number saved! You do not need to introduce yourself each time. 


You are working at a store and a customer hands you money to buy a gift. You don't know how much change to give them! What should you do? 

-Ask for help

- Use a calculator 

-Take a deep breath, take your time ! 


Someone at school is bothering you. They are being too loud, and rude! What is a strategy you can use to calm down. 

1. Leave the situation

2. Talk about it with someone you trust

3. Take deep breaths


Act out what you could do if your teacher gives instructions in class and you don't know what they mean. 

Excuse me I am confused can you please repeat that. OR can you please write down the directions I am confused. 


In this video clip how do you think the main singer was feeling?

- mean laughter 

-nervous, not great about herself. 

-audience was judging her appearance 


What is question you can ask someone to start a conversation? 

What are some things that you like to do for fun? 


You are waiting at school for someone to pick you up. Your parents/ friends are late! What can you do? 

Wait inside, call to make sure your family member is coming 

-get some homework done, listen to music 


Your teacher gives you too much math homework you are not sure if you can finish it all! What strategies can you use? 

1. Ask for help - friends, family, teacher 

2. Work on it one problem at a time 

3. Ask for extra time 

4. Try and do a small amount each day. 


Pick a friend and act out a conversation with unexpected conversation topics (i.e. only talking about yourself - unexpected)



In this video what does the man think when he is getting in the car?

Thinks he is going to the airport. Then sees the robbers. 


Name 3 topics that would be helpful to get to know someone 

What are your interests? 

Where do you live?/ Where did you grow up? 

What is your favorite type of music? 


All of your friends want to play Candy Land and you don't want to play that game. What can you do? 

-Compromise and ask if you can play a different game after 

-Take some deep breaths and decide to follow the group plan 

-Maybe you can listen to your favorite song while playing the game!


You are overwhelmed with school and work. You have too much going on! What can you do? 

Tell family, or friends how you are feeling. Advocate for yourself

Pick a friend and act out a conversation with expected conversation topics (i.e. only talking about yourself)



What is a gift you might get for Miss. Liz? - Open your friend files to remember what she is interested in! 

Crocheting, books, notebooks (she is in school)


Why is it important to add information to our people/ mind files? 

to remember information about them to start new conversations the next time you see them!