The first 5 letters are:
what is: alif, baa, taa, thaa, jeem?
name a noun in arabic
baa at the end is: ب (true or false)
what is true?
read this word: بابا
the amount of letters in your last name (Arabic)
answer varies
Say these 3 letters: ج ح خ
name a verb in arabic
what is yarkud, yal3ab, etc.?
this is أ (alif) at the ....... and ........
read this word and tell what it means: سمك
name 5 letters that are written on the line
alif, daal, haa, 7aa in the beginning, 3ayn in the beginning, sawd in the beginning
what is the difference in sound between ت and ط
what is jamal?
name 3 sets of letters that look alike but differ in dots
what is jeem, ha, kha or baa, taa, thaa?
read these two words: شجرة زيتون
what is shajarat zaytoun?
name 3 letters that are go beneath the line
raa, zayn, seen, sheen, sawd, dawd, etc.
name 3 letters that do not connect from the left
what is alif, raa, zayn, daal, thal
name 3 fruits and or vegetables in arabic
what is jazar, tufa7, farawila, 3nab, etc..?
name 3 letters with only 1 dot
what is baa, thaal, tha, nuun, zayn
the "al"goes in: معلمة مريم
what is almu3alima?
we go from masculine to feminine by adding this letter
what is taa?
spell your name in arabic (say the letters)
answer varies
say a full sentence using 2 of the vocab words you know: 1 noun and 1 verb
in Arabic, we write in this direction
what is right to left?
read this sentence: انا اسمي مريم خليل
this is the 21st letter of the Arabic alphabet