We, as a class, will generate these at the beginning of the year.
What are classroom expectations?
This is the number of units we have this year.
What is five? (8th grade)
What is four? (7th grade)
What is Ms. Skoog's email?
One classroom expectation that Ms. Skoog has.
What is ____? (Multiple answers possible).
Homework and participation are each worth this much in class.
What is 10%?
Binder, notebook, folders, pencils, and class texts.
What are the materials needed to be ready to learn?
The first unit of study.
What is "How does literature reflect the human condition?" (8th grade)
What is "Taking a stand"? (7th grade)
You should do this if you cannot get an assignment submitted on time.
What is email Ms. Skoog BEFORE the due date?
Wait until group discussion and/or direct instruction is over to ask to do this.
What is leaving for the bathroom?
A quiz would be worth this much.
What is 20%?
One day=50%, after that is 0%.
What is the late work policy?
You will have ten dedicated minutes on this day to read a book of your choice.
What are Free Read Fridays?
If you do this, Ms. Skoog will call home to discuss this with your adults.
You enter a non-verbal contract to follow our classroom policies when you do this.
What is entering Ms. Skoog's classroom?
If Ms. Skoog takes an assignment from you at the end of class and grades it, it'd be worth this much.
What is 35%? (Classwork grade).
This is taking someone else's work and pretending it is your own. Doing this will lead to an automatic 0% and a phone call home.
What is the plagiarism policy?
You can find this at the WMS library or in Ms. Skoog's classroom library.
What is a book for Free Read Friday?
Before doing this, you must speak with Ms. Skoog to make a plan for submission.
What is resubmitting work for a higher grade?
This looks like listening before speaking and making sure all voices are heard.
What is respecting all ideas?
A test or an essay would be worth this much.
What is 25%?
This is assigned at the choice of the teacher and is a privilege, not a right. It does not take the place of doing your work during the trimester.
What is the extra credit policy?
You use this to log your independent reading. The points from this DO go towards your grade in ELA.
What is Accelerated Reader?
If this happens, you must speak to Ms. Skoog to find out what you missed.
What is missing a day of class?
This does NOT look like using words like stupid, hate, dumb, etc.
What is using respectful language?
Your first grade in this class.
What is returning the signed syllabus with TWO signatures on it?