Christmas Carols and Songs
American History
Holiday Movies
Holiday Traditions

This beloved Christmas classic was written in 1950 by Jack Rollins and Steve Nelson about a snowman coming to life to capitalize on the success of Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer

Frosty the Snowman


This CDPHE office works to build partnerships to mobilize community power and transform systems to advance healthy equity and environmental justice

Office of Health Equity


This American president had  a stuffed animal named after him.

Theodore Roosevelt


This is the secret message that Ralphie deciphered from Little Orphan Annie’s radio show in A Christmas story

 “Be sure to drink your Ovaltine”


This man was a bishop in the 3rd century. His legend of gift giving transformed into the legendary character of Santa Clause.

St Nicholas


Bing Crosby sang this beloved song which was originally written for the musical film named after the song in 1942.

White Christmas


This person is the director environmental health and protection

Shaun McGrath


On Dec. 16, 1773, this event occurred during which colonists dumped a shipment of tea into the Boston Harbor to protest English taxation

Boston Tea Party


The movie miracle on 34th street is based on this real life department store



Based on a German tradition, this item is hidden in the Christmas tree and whoever finds it wins a gift or gets to open the first present Christmas morning.

Christmas Pickle


This classic Christmas carol is about a king from Bohemia who journeyed through the harsh winter conditions to give alms to a poor peasant.

 Good King Wenceclas


This award goes to an employee or team who has made an exemplary contribution to a project or program affecting environmental improvement and/or protection in Colorado relating to a high priority for the department.

Environmental Excellence “Frank Johnson” Award


These two explorers led the first land expedition to the Pacific Coast

Lewis and Clark


This is the name of the traveling polka band Kevin’s mom, Kate, travels with on her way home to Kevin

Kenosha Kickers


The Grimms’ brothers fairy tale Hansel and Gretel started this Christmas Tradition

Gingerbread House Making and Decorating


This popular Christmas carol, when it was originally written, was intended to celebrate Thanksgiving

Jingle Bells


This phrase is the vision statement for CDPHE

A healthy and sustainable Colorado where current and future generations thrive.


To date, this president has had the shortest term in office

William Henry Harrison


These are the four main food groups for elves as revealed by Buddy the elf in Elf

Candy, candy corn, candy canes, and syrup


The tradition of hanging this Christmas item in the house is meant to bring good luck and represents love and friendship



This popular carol was a folk carol from the West Country of England. It was sung by carolers, or mummers, as they were called in the 19th century: children who sang carols from door to door, expecting treats in return

We Wish you a Merry Christmas


This bill was implemented during the 2021 Legislative sessions to address efforts to redress the effects of environmental injustice on disproportionately impacted communities

 HB 1266 – Environmental Justice Disproportionate Impacted Community


This site is the United States’ first national monument

Devil’s Tower in Wyoming


This is the name of the mountain that the Grinch lives on in how the Grinch Stole Christmas

Mount Crumpit


his holiday poem, written in 1823, introduced the modern-day concept of Santa and his flying reindeer

A Visit from Saint Nicholas or the Night Before Christmas