How many rooms does Krekel have?
Which counselor has had the most time off?
Ms. Lexi
Name all leadership staff.
Evan, Paige, Connor, Abby F., Abby S., Jake, Maddie, Emma, Savannah, Duffy, Katie, Marnae
What color shirt should you not be wearing when holding a tarantula?
How many accident reports are there all together?
Name all the fields at Gator.
Campfire, Toga, Grassy, Gator, Crocodile, Playground
How many counselors worked 2 or more jobs during this summer?
Nicknames of GATOR leadership.
Crabby Abby, Archie, Betty, "That girl", Principal
What field trip did Evan get baptized?
Field Day
How many counselor accident reports were filled out?
How many lights are in Krekel?
Which counselors from JACK came over to GATOR?
Maliek, Lana, Allison, Emma, Braden
What are the colleges of the leadership @ GATOR?
Abby (UCM), Duffy (SEMO), Evan (Mizzou), Savannah (Blackburn), Emma (KU), Katie (William Jewell)
What movies were payed during Movie Day?
What is Sarah H's official job title?
Inclusion Coordinator
When (what day) and Where (at Gator) is the concert every week?
Tuesday @ Big Pavillion/Grassy
Who has won the most bragging rights and how many?
Judah (3)
What is Savannah's Dunkin order?
Large caramel iced coffee with 1 cream and 1 sugar
Who won bowling between the leadership team?
How many weeks of camp did we only have 9 groups?
What is the phone # and address of Krekel?
636-379-3237; 305 Civic Park Dr.
Who was in charge of accident reports during Nerf Wars, and how many reports were written?
Ted (14)
Which weeks did each leadership member take off? (voluntary and involuntary)
Savannah & Abby (6&9), Evan (6&7), Duffy (none), Emma (4&7)
Name all the field trips.
Petting Zoo, Bowling, Field Day, Water Day, Nerf Warz, Movie Day, Camp Swamp, Inflatables, Steve!!
How many items are in the lost and found?