You like _____
The first catchphrase/name Ben Davidowitz ever said to Mr. W.
James Mereck
This classic character was a cast member of a show that Ben is canonically not into so much anymore.
The Shining
This can be done whenever Ben is feeling frustrated
Taking a lap
Involves lots of editing, but always hilarious.
Michael Rosen
Mr. W. is still not sure if he finds this one funny
Do you mean to wish me a good morning?
This character is just overdone sometimes. His show went stale after a few seasons.
One of the main characters has an afro...when the actor is classically known for being bald in most of his films.
Pulp Fiction
A newer tradition that both Ben and Mr. W. do during the first break of each day
Daily sketch
It involves a character from the cult classic "Shrek"
The state of the ______
This character's sketch referenced the word "adventurous"
Flame Princess - Adventure Time
A boxing film in which Clint Eastwood plays a cranky old man
Million Dollar Baby
We used to do this at the end of every day for months in the beginning of the year
Daily recap
References a character played by John Goodman.
James P. SULLIVAN!!!!!
Said by a classic Jewish actor
That's Nice!
Jolly good show...jolly jolly good show
Pops - Regular Show
A Western Film with Mr. W.'s favorite actor - Leonardo DiCaprio
Django Unchained
Involves tallies
This meme inspired an entire older generation of people to become knowledgeable on memes. Almost every person who sees it can recognize it.
Mr. W. ACTUALLY BELIEVED this was Ben's favorite food for some time...
Egg Rolls
You like Jazz?
You like Jaa.....okay I'm going to stop doing that...yes, it's Barry Benson - Bee Movie
Directed by Hollywood Legend Edgar Wright, this film involves high speeds and FANTASTIC editing
Baby Driver
It always involves crackers...ALWAYS
snack time