Egyptian History

Which of the following is an example of alliteration? 

A)The group sang sweetly. 

B)I like eating tacos. 

C)My brother is a drummist. 

D)We have a group of thirty typists. 

A)The group sang sweetly.


توصل الإنسان المصري القديم إلى معرفة الزراعة مما أدى إلى ............

‏A( الاستقرار

‏B)- الهجرة - 

‏C)لاختلاط - 

‏D)الاشتغال بالصيد 


A( الاستقرار


Choose the correct translation: lls ont fait la course sur la piste

A) They raced around the track

B) That town has three churches

C) I am glad that I got the job


A) They raced around the track


 Which poet is the author of “Ozymandias”?

A. Mary Shelley

B. John Keats

C. Percy Bysshe Shelley

C. Percy Bysshe Shelley


كان موقع مصر الجغرافي بين أقطار العالم يمثل ..............

( A نقطة البداية)

(-B نهاية العالم- )

(C-حلقة الاتصال)

‎منطقة جفاف)D

(Cحلقة الاتصال)


Choose the correct translation: J'ai deja sorti poubelle

A) He's in the workshop building something.

B) The cheetah is a fast animal.

C) I already took the trash out.

D) The technology company transformed the world.

C) I already took the trash out.


What do we call the first 8 lines of a sonnet?

A. Octave

B. Octet

C. Octane

A. Octave


كانت ......... الرياضة الأولى عند المصريين القدماء .

‏( Aكرة القدم)- ( B كرة اليد)- (C المصارعة )– ( D الكاراتيه )

(C المصارعة )


Choose the correct translation: Je ne vis pas tres loin du travail.

A) She felt tired the following day,

B) I live not too far from work.

C) I would like to thank you for the opportunity 

D) She is afraid to lose everything.

B) I live not too far from work.


Which author wrote a famous poem about the Crimean War from 1853 to 1856?

A. Alfred Douglas

B. Alfred Lord Tennyson

C. Oscar Wilde

B. Alfred Lord Tennyson


عرفت الكتابة المصرية القديمة قبل ............

‏A عصر الوحدة التاريخية- 

‏B الدولة الوسطى- 

‏C الدولة الحديثة- 

‏D الدولة القديمة 

A عصر الوحدة التاريخية-


Choose the correct translation: L'apprentissage d'une langue est amusant pour moi.

A) yes, dont turn it off.

B) She suffers from her illness.

C) Language learning is fun for me.

D) I skipped breakfast this morning.

C) Language learning is fun for me.


 In the poem “The Rime of the Ancient Mariner” by Samuel Taylor, the mariner shoots which bird?

A. A seagull

B. A raven

C. An albatross

C. An albatross


كان.......المكانة الأولى بين حيوانات الفلاح المصري القديم 

‏ A الجمل

‏ B للماعز

‏C  للبقرة

‏D للأغنام

D للأغنام


Choose the correct translation: Soyez silencieux s'il vous plait. J'etudie

A) Be perpared for the powerful storm.

B) She became the first female president

C) Please be quiet. I'm studying

D) He is the son of a very important man

C) Please be quiet. I'm studying