All End Cites that contain an Elytra, have.
In 2021 Youtube decided to remove this feature from their website.
Which company acquired Twitch in 2014?
This meme features a fat bugs bunny.
Who is Big Chungus
This is the biggest event that happened in Tiananmen Square in 1989
Tiananmen Square protest
This update introduced new types of blocks and made beds dyeable.
1.12, world of color
This cancelled youtuber recently returned to content creation after months of absence.
This word starting with an "S" was banned off of Twitch in December of 2020.
This meme subreddit is dedicated to misspellings or misinterpretations of english.
r/BoneAppleTea, r/engrish
This is the appropriate thing to do when you see an NFT posted on Twitter?
Screenshot/Save Image
This is the achievment you used to get for giving a diamond to another player.
Diamonds to you!
This is the first video published to YouTube.
Me at the zoo.
The Twitch streamer "Allinity" recently went trending after doing this with her pet.
Throwing her cat
This is the name of the song used in the popular meme Ankha Zone.
Camel By Camel
Name 3 weapons that were first used in WW1
Rifles, Machine Guns, Mortars, Flamethrowers, Poison Gas, Tanks, Aircraft, Altillery or Submarines
These 2 mobs have been added but never actually used in game.
Giant and Illusioner
This is the most watched video on YouTube
What is "Baby Shark"?
Name 3 global emotes used on Twitch.
Kappa, Kekw, PogChamp, Lul, LuL, Hahaa, FeelsGoodMan, MonkaS
This meme that developed near the end of 2021, based on impersonating a scream of a specific internet personality
This is the hex color code of red.
This block was a replacement for the Nether portal in Minecraft PE.
Nether Reactor Core.
Name from highest to lowest the top 3 most subscribed channels on youtube.
1. TSeries 2. PewDiePie 3. Cocomelon
Name 2 Twitch streamers that moved to YouTube.
Ludwig, Dr Lupo, Dr Disrespect, Valkirae
This popular caption meme includes a screen cap from the show The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills
Woman yelling at a cat
This is what you call the boundary around a black hole beyond which nothing can escape?
Event Horizon