This mental health condition causes Feelings of sadness, loss of interest in daily activities, sleep problems
What is Depression
How many hearts does an octopus have?
Name 2 healthy coping skills
When was the first day of Winter?
December 21st 2022
What is the most shoplifted item?
What is candy
This mental health condition causes intense and persistent worry and fear, can cause rapid heart beat, sweating, and feeling tired
What is Anxiety
What breed of dog can run up to 75mph (faster than a cheetah)
What is a Grey Hound
Name 2 unhealthy coping skills
Using drugs or alcohol, avoiding the issue, overeating, over sleeping, isolating, etc
How many sides does a snow flake have?
What is 6
What animal can sleep while standing up
What is a cow
This mental health condition includes difficulty concentrating and excessive energy
what is ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder)
What African animals name means “River Horse”
What is the Hippopotamus
True or false - Medication is the only treatment available for mental health diagnosis.
False - treatment includes therapy, utilizing healthy coping skills, building a support system, etc.
Name an animal that hibernates in the winter
what is Bears, bats, groundhog, chipmunks, etc
How many bones does the adult human body have
What is 206
This type of anxiety disorder defined by a persistent and excessive fear of an object or situation
What is a Phobia
The unicorn is the national animal of what country?
What is Scotland
True or False - people with mental health diagnosis cannot live normal lives
Name a holiday that occurs during the winter months
What is Valentines Day, Martin Luther King Jr day, Presidents’ Day, New Year’s Day
What is the tiny end of a shoelace called
A disorder in which a person has difficulty recovering after experiencing or witnessing a terrifying event
What color is the tongue of a Giraffe?
Name something you’ve learned from treatment or this support group that has helped in your recovery process
What is ….
True or False - the sun is bigger in the winter
False - the sun appears to look bigger, however it is the same size only closer to the earth
What is the largest ocean in the world
What is the Pacific Ocean