Ancient Cities
Outer Space
UNESCO World Heritage Sites
The Olympic Games

Which brand of Italian luxury car is famous for their red colour and having a horse as their logo?



One of the seven wonders of the ancient world was located in the city of Babylon. What was this "wonder"?

EN: The Hanging Gardens of Babylon

FR: Les jardins suspendu de Babylone

ES: Los Jardines Colgantes de Babilonia 

PT: Os Jardins Suspensos da Babilônia 


How many moons does the planet Mars (Marte) have?

2 (Phobos and Deimos)


This UNESCO Heritage Site also happens to be the last surviving "wonders" of the original 7 wonders of the ancient world.

EN: The Pyramids of Giza

FR: Le grande pyramide de Gizeh 

ES: La Gran Pirámide de Guiza

PT: A Grande Pirâmide de Gizé 


What is the length of an olympic marathon (maratón/maratona)

in kilometers?

42.2 km / 26.2 mi


Which brand of car was made famous in the classic movie "Back to the Future"?

FR: Retour vers le futur

ES: Vuelta al futuro 

PT: De Volta para o Futuro 

The Delorean.


What is the name of this Egyptian city, which was named after a 'Great' conqueror, and also had a famous library burned to the ground?

EN: Alexandria

FR: Alexandrie

ES: Alejandría

PT: Alexandria


This planet was named after the Roman god of the sea.

EN/FR: Neptune

ES: Neptuno

PT: Netuno


What is the name of this famous city, which is a UNESCO World Heritage Site?

EN: Florence, Italy

FR: Florence, Italie

ES: Florencia, Italia

PT: Florença, Itália


Since the beginning of the modern Summer Olympic games in 1896 there have been a small number of events that have been featured at every one of the games.

Among these events are swimming, gymnastics, and athletics. There are two others. Name one.

EN: Fencing or cycling

FR: Escrime ou cyclisme

ES: Esgrima o ciclismo

PT: Esgrima ou ciclismo


Name the best selling model of car in the world.

Toyoto Corolla (1.1 million cars sold!)


This famous Greek city is sometimes also referred to as "The Birthplace of Western Civilization".

EN: Athens

FR: Athènes

ES: Atenas

PT: Atenas


What was the name of the last rover to land on Mars (Marte)?

Perseverance, on 2/18/2021


Which group of people built Stonehenge?

EN: The Druids

FR: Les druides

ES: Los druidas

PT: Os druidas


Which city was the first to host three Olympic Games?

EN: London, England

FR: Londres Angleterre

ES/PT: Londres, Inglaterra

(1908, 1948, 2012)


Which brand of car decided that it would be a good idea to launch one of their cars into space?


Fun fact: they dressed a mannequin in a space suit and strapped him to the car. His name is "Starman"


This modern city is the longest continuously inhabited city in the world.

EN: Damascus, Syria

FR: Damas, Syrie

ES: Damasco, Siria

PT: Damasco, Síria 

A 'year' on Earth 365 days and is defined by how many days it takes our planet to orbit the sun. How many days does it take for our moon to orbit our planet?

27.3 days if the Earth wasn't moving, and 29.5 days because the Earth is in orbit (will accept both answers)


This city, which became its own country in 1929, is also famous for being a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Name this city.

EN: Vatican City.

FR: La cité du Vatican

ES: Ciudad del Vaticano 

PT: Cidade do Vaticano 


In 1916, the Olympic games were cancelled due to World War 1. Which city were they supposed to have been held in?

EN: Berlin, Germany

FR: Berlin, Allemagne

ES: Berlín, Alemania

PT: Berlim, Alemanha


Which famous car was the first to be mass-produced on an assembly line?

Model-T by Ford


What is the capital of the ancient city of Assyria?

FR: Assyrie

ES: Asiria

PT: Assíria

EN: Nineveh

FR: Ninive

ES/PT: Nínive


Our sun, which is a star, is the center of our solar system. What is the name of the closest star to our sun?

Proxima Centauri (4.2 light-years away)

Fun fact: Proxima Centauri is Latin for "closest star of Centaurus"


The Great Wall of China was designated as a UNESCO World Heritage site in 1987 and is famously the longest wall in the world. How long is this wall?

21,196.18 km (13,170.70 mi)


The flag of the Olympics contains 5 rings of different colours on a white background. What is the significance of these colours?

Each one of the colours could be found on every country's flag