Key Terms
Key Themes
Key Themes Continued
Social Studies Skills

Process of taming wild plants and animals to human uses; to make plants and animals dependent on humans.

What is Domestication?


Humans began to farm around 8000 B.C. to avoid this...

What is animal extinction?


The development of different types of jobs.

What is specialization of labor?


Early humans did this when they were hunter-gatherers. Therefore it was NOT a major effect of the farming revolution.

What is gathering wild plants?


Many lands and people that are ruled by 1 leader/government that was located near a river. 

What are River Valley Civilizations?


These were some of the major differences between life during the Paleolithic and Neolithic ages. 

1. What is hunting and gathering vs. Farming?

2. What is nomadic lifestyles vs. permanent settlements?

3. Communities working together to provide for all vs. Specialization of Labor 


A succession of rulers from the same family

What is a Dynasty?


Landform were ancient civilizations were located near. 

What are Rivers?


The belief in more than 1 god. 

What is polytheism?


These are the reasons why ancient civilizations were located near rivers. 

What is transportation, protection from enemies, and food and water source.