A text message should be long and ask multiple questions?
True or False
A text message should be short. If you have a lot to say to a person, then you should call them instead.
Everything you post on social media will disappear after a period of time.
True or False
What you post will remain FOREVER!
Is it okay to have the same password for multiple devices and websites?
Yes or No?
No. Make sure you have different passwords that use a string of characters.
Decide if this is a good social media post or not:
Party at my house on Wednesday night! Come to 455 North 5th Avenue, Denver, Colorado. Bring your friends!
Not a good post. Discuss why.....
What hours is it appropriate to text your co-workers, boss, and teachers?
Typically 8:00 AM to 8:00 PM. Weekends and evenings are not good times unless it is an emergency. Try not to interrupt people's personal lives.
It is important to have lots of friends on social media. It doesn't matter if you know them or not. In fact, it is a great way to make friends.
True or False. Explain your answer.
Never "friend" someone you don't know. You should only "friend" people you know personally.
It is okay to open up an email from someone you don't know.
True or False?
False. Never open up an email from someone you don't know. Just delete it.
Decide if this is a good text message or not:
Hi John! I had a great time seeing you at Pizza Hut today. What you told me about Sue getting in trouble was a shock! I can't believe she did all that stuff. Would you like to go bowling with me on Tuesday? I love to bowl and want to go to Lucky Lanes. Let me know if you want to go or not.
10 minutes later:
John did you get my text?? You need to answer me. Text me ASAP.
5 minutes later:
John answer me!!
Not a good text. This text is too long with too much information. It would be better if he talked with John on the phone.
Also...His follow up texts were pushy and disrespectful. Too many texts.
What should you do if you send a text to someone and they don't reply right away?
Assume they are busy and will reply later when they have time. They may not want to text you back.
DO NOT send multiple texts.
What personal information is not okay to share on social media?
DO NOT SHARE: Your full name, address, phone, number, location, family members, and date of birth.
Make sure your pictures do not include any of this information.
Is all Wifi secure? Compare public and private Wifi and what is secure and not secure.
Hint: compare your home Wifi with public Wifi at McDonalds.
No all Wifi is not secure. Do not give out personal information. Home Wifi is more secure than public but you have to be careful with both.
Viva Loan - You are approved for up to $20,000.
No you delete it without opening it. You did not apply for a loan. Don't fall for it!!
You are texting a new friend. How should you start the text? (Hint: They won't know who you are)
Identify yourself in the text.
Example: Hi, this is John Smith........
Is it okay to arrange a meeting with someone you don't know using social media?
Why or why not?
NEVER arrange meetings using social media. This includes people you know and don't know. There are people "surfing" social media (predators) that will take your information and use it.
What is online reputation?
Talk about online history and creating a positive digital footprint.
Anything you upload, email, or message can stay around forever online. Only do things that you would be okay with your teacher, parent, or future employer seeing. Every website you surf, picture you send, and things you say can be seen by your future employer. It can cost you a job!
Decide if this is a okay social media post or not:
I'm so excited!! I leave for vacation on Thursday. I am looking forward to sitting on the beach for two weeks. My whole family is able to go. I'll post pictures each day!
No this is too much information. Telling people you are going to be out of town can set you up for your house being robbed. This post also told people that their family will be gone to. Don't post when you are leaving or getting home from vacations.
Explain texting etiquette on the job site.
Should you be texting when you are working?
When is it appropriate to text your boss?
Your phone should be out of sight and turned off when you are working.
Don't text your boss unless they have texted you first or asked you to text. Assume you should only call, email, or communicate face to face.
Is online gaming considered social media?
List 3 things you should do to stay safe while gaming online.
Online gaming tips:
Choose a safe username
Be careful what you share (No personal information)
Only play with people you know personally.
Check your privacy settings.
Don't buy loot boxes or in-app purchases.
Don't download things. They aren't always safe.
What should you do if an online stranger reaches out asking for your personal information or to meet you?
Don't respond back.
Tell a trusted adult and have them help.
Is this social media post okay or not?
I had a blast visiting my sister in California! The scenery was gorgeous! My favorite place was Epcot Center. You can tell by my face that I had a blast!!
(Posted picture of themselves and sister on the roller coaster)
Yes this is a safe post. It is talking about a past event and picture is at a public location.