The month school starts
Does school start in Onocihtowipisim?
What is 2 + 2?
The answer is newo
The answer is Ayamihewkisikaw
moose meat is bright _________
The correct answer is mihkwaw
what animal do we hunt all year?
The answer is mooswa
What month has Valentines Day?
Did you say kisipisim?
What is 4 + 4?
Did u say keka-mitahtat?
The beginning of the week?
It is Ponayamihewkisikaw
The sun is bright
It is osawaw
what pet likes dog food?
Its obviously my atim
What month has Halloween?
The answer is pimahamowipisim
Whats the number after eight?
It is mitahtat
The middle day of the week?
It is Nistokisikaw
what color are pumpkins?
Did u say mihkosawa?
what hibernates during winter?
The correct answer is muskwa
What month is Christmas in?
The correct answer is thithikopiwipisim
What is eight minus 3?
The answer is niyanen
How do you say thursday in Cree?
Did you say Newokisikaw?
the color that are used to represent woman
The answer is okiniwapakwaniyo
What animals hunt in packs?
Did u say mahikan?
What is the sixth month of the year?
The answer is opiniyawiwipisim
How do u say number six in Cree?
The answer is nikwotwasik
The second day of the week?
It is Nisokisikaw
What color does the grass turn to in the summer?
The correct answer is askihtakwawa
what animal has 2 big teeth?
the answer is amisk