US measurement equivalent of 1 kilogram
What are about 4 cups
The distance measurement used in Tanzania
What are kilometers
Another word for converting
What is translating
The measurement originally used in Baba Baoku's lishe recipe
What are kilograms
1.6 kilometers converted
What is 1 mile
The beginning of morning in Tanzania according to Americans
What is 6:00 am
The nut that must be roasted before being added to lishe
What are peanuts
The more accurate motor vehicle for finding long distances between 2 places
What is a plane
The time difference between EST and EAT
What are 8 hours
The system that uses tablespoons, teaspoons, cups, etc.
What is the US Customary System
What are miles per hour
Where daylight and moonlight hours are almost equal year round
What is the equator
A tool that can be used to represent an equation or to measure ingredients
What is a balance scale
The bigger unit value of distance measurement between the US and The rest of the world
What are miles
What is 'minute' in KiSwahili